Kleio Character in Aerith | World Anvil
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(Pronounced Klee-Oh)

The Artificer


 Kleio is a practical, arrogant god, but he also has low self-esteem and is constantly looking for praise of his works. He is popular amongst crafters, and the peasants appreciate his tireless work ethic.  


 The best use of one’s time is changing a useless item into a practical one, whenever you craft you are putting a part of yourself into the item so make sure it is worth being a part of you. Anything crafted is worth showing off. Keeping quality work hidden is viewed unfavourably by Kleio.  

Major Centres of Worship: 

 Essillion has a large following of Kleio as the mines of Essillion are their greatest asset. The Anvil and The Arches, two separate temples epitomize the traits of Kleio as an arrogant god, and a proud and practical crafter. In Avandar, The Architect’s Dream is a 15 storied apartment and temple to Kleio. It is a tourist attraction and people still marvel at the skill and craftmanship required in its making.  

Relations with other gods: 

 Kleio is friendly with Denethen, the Dwarf Pinnacle, and they share much of the same views on craftmanship and buildings. He appreciates Vocerix’ views on structure and law as a means of achieving a quality product, whether it is a physical object or a social value. He does not understand Dranaden’s point of view on crafting, as that god prefers to craft for the sheer beauty of it, while Kleio needs the crafting to be done for a practical purpose. While the two do not come to blows, neither can appreciate the other’s point of view.  


 Kleio looks like a large Dwarf, with a long black beard, a balding pate, a pot belly, and large muscular arms. He mostly sports a smithing apron, and is rarely without his hammer Oreshaper at his side. His face is frequently smeared with soot or dirt.  

Other Manifestations:

When a forge burns a different colour or when a strange brand is placed on an item or building, it is a sign of Kleio’s favour.
Divine Classification
Imperial Being (Shard of Alucar)


Blacksmithing, Forging, Structures, Practicality, Mining


An anvil with an arch over it


Lawful Evil

Typical Worshippers: 

Blacksmiths, Forgers, Architects, Crafters, Peasants


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