Leftis Character in Aerith | World Anvil
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(pronounced Lef-tiss)

The Deceiver


 Leftis is a mysterious and enigmatic god, that defies a lot of standard understanding. He never shows what is real, and he enjoys bending the truth to reach a different acceptance of reality.  


 Reality is but an illusion and if you learn to live in the darkness you will never be disappointed. Truth is fleeting and subjective. Once you can accept the changing nature of truth the world becomes your servant. Always wait to strike and do so from hiding or darkness to better your chances of success. Your enemy’s own assumptions will be his undoing.  

Major Centres of Worship: 

 Hidden shrines to Leftis can be found all over the realm, from Essillion to Avandar, but they are always in the form of something innocuous. Deceivers are experts at finding a use for something that others think is useless. They never stay in one place too long to worship and rarely go back to the same place. Leftis is not particular about where one worships, as long as you do it every day. As such, it is permissible to worship anywhere as long as you do it before you go to sleep.  

Relations with other gods: 

 Leftis has a strange relationship with Dranaden as that god appreciates Leftis’ aspect as the Dreamweaver and they often travel together in the Dreamland. Leftis has a great dislike for Parfin and he has never been able to fool him for too long. Parfin likes to expose people to the world and Leftis likes to hide people from the world.  


 As the god of deception, Leftis rarely takes on the same form twice. He is constantly changing his appearance, even as he is engaging with people. He can appear as a dark thief, a simple peasant, or a menacing fighter, and sometimes all three. His weapon Shadow can take on many different forms, from a dagger, to a short sword, to axes, but it is rarely a large weapon.  

Other Manifestations:

Leftis often appears as a dark cloud with sporadic hidden elements. Observers must look very closely to see what the cloud is hiding. He favours the jackal as his animal and he frequently enters mortals’ dreams in this form.
Divine Classification
Imperial Being (Shard of Alucar)


Illusions, Nightmares, Sleep, Night, Dreams


Field of pure black w. secret symbol hidden within



Typical Worshippers:

Rogues, Bards, Sorcerers, Actors


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