Lutien Character in Aerith | World Anvil
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(pronounced Loo-tee-en)

The Littleman


Lutien is a happy-go-lucky fellow that is always looking for the good in people and situations. He represents his people well and loves to revel, travel, and maintain great friendships. Everywhere Lutien goes a good time is bound to follow.  


Life is a road of ever-changing experiences, if you don’t step out your door you will miss them. If you never return who will you tell your interesting stories to. Wherever you are, bring hospitality with you. There is no trouble a good song, dance, food, and drink cannot fix.  

Major Centres of Worship:

Meadowspring has the largest temple to Lutien called the Road’s End. It doubles as a tavern and inn, as well as a dance hall. Most of Lutien’s temples are actually shrines dotted across Lutien’s Vale or in villages and cities on the eastern edge of the Barrier Guard. In Burrowfast there is a large temple called Littleman’s Lodge that also serves as the militia house.  

Relations with other gods:

Lutien is on very good terms with Denethen and previously Alucar before he was destroyed in the Fractioning. This event shook Lutien to his core and he took it very hard. He has made his people promise to look after the Humans and maintain their friendship. With the Shards of Alucar, Lutien has done his best to help all of them but he particularly enjoys his dealings with Parfin and Dranaden.  


Lutien appears as a handsome, traveling Halfling with a perpetual sly smile across his face. He is welcoming, friendly, charming, and easy to laugh. His traveler’s hat and walking stick are always at his side and he offers food and drink as often as he can. Lutien’s favourite weapon are simple stones he can throw or use a makeshift sling to hurl them. He is incredibly accurate and likes to show off to his friends and foes.  

Other Manifestations:

A traveling tune that will not leave the mind is said to be Lutien’s doing; food that gives off a different smell than what it would normally produce is a sign of disfavour from Lutien.
Divine Classification
Imperial Being (Starhelm Halfing Pinnacle)


Halflings. Peace, Kindness, Brotherhood, Friendship, Wanderlust, Hearth, Food, Drink


Campfire with musical notes in place of flames


Chaotic Good

Typical Worshippers: 

Halflings. Travelers, Innkeepers, Cooks


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