Mirriam Character in Aerith | World Anvil
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(pronounced Mur-ree-um)

The Bountiful


 Mirriam is a quiet, peaceful god that is always looking for growth and prosperity. Whether it is with a crop or with people, she is there to shepherd in success. She has a widespread clergy and across many different regions.  


 Nature’s way is the most holy of ways. We must learn that the balance of nature extends even to the civilized world. Nature is the substance of all things in its most beautiful state. Without the natural world in balance around us we cannot hope to achieve anything lasting. When something dies another thing must be reborn in order to keep the circle alive. Destruction and devastation for its own sake is the antithesis of the church of The Bountiful Lady. Mirriam does not have any powers over the elements except as they affect nature and as such, she does not grant her clerics access to the elemental spheres. That is the province of Druids and most Humans do not have the capability of controlling such raw power.  

Major Centres of Worship: 

 Both Avandar and Essillion have a temple to Mirriam. In Avandar the temple is responsible for ensuring the fish that are the lifeblood of the port city are maintained and kept healthy. In Essillion she is responsible for the farmers that surround the city and provide the food and grain that feed the city. Essillion has a number of shrines that dot the landscape to the north, south, and east of the city. Towards the mountains there is no real worship of The Provider. The barbarian lands worship her throughout the tribe but they do not have any pre-determined site to say prayers. She is very well respected in the barbarian lands, even to the warlike tribes as she provides the food and animals, they need to wage war.  

Relations with other gods: 

Mirriam does not favour any one god over the other, however she does have a rivalry with Bruges over the welfare of the barbarian people of Starhelm. She understands why Kleio does what he does but she does not appreciate the stripping of the natural world for his creations.  


 Mirriam often appears as a middle-aged woman that possesses a natural beauty. She radiates calm and usually has an even temper. When appearing to her followers in the Barbarian Lands she has the appearance of an elderly tribal woman that has lines of wisdom in her face. She is often seen carrying a bag with food to distribute. The thresher is a favourite tool for Mirriam, and her followers often use a flail in honour of her.  

Other Manifestations:

A cornucopia with a single example of every fruit or a simple flower where none should exist may show the manifestation of Mirriam. She also has been known to take the shape of a hummingbird or any number of farm animals in Essillion. In Avandar she likes to take the shape of an albatross or a sea turtle.
Divine Classification
Imperial Being (Shard of Alucar)


Agriculture, Husbandry, Nature; Fisherman, Ocean (in Avandar)


A cornucopia circled by three sheaves of wheat against an orange background (in Essillion and Barbarian Lands Three flying fish jumping over a golden island being struck by waves (in Avandar).



Typical Worshippers: 

Barbarians, Druids, Farmers, Gardeners; Fishermen, Sailors


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