Parfin Character in Aerith | World Anvil
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(pronounced parr-fin)

The Farstepper


Parfin is a god of the people and is the only one of the 12 Shards to remain on Aerith. He continues his travels and encourages his followers to do the same. New experiences are always welcome, even if they do not seem good at first.  


Priests of Parfin should actively seek out new experiences and discoveries. They travel for the thrill of finding new people, objects or even ideas. Followers of Parfin may differ over what wealth means but to the god himself, they are all correct. Wealth is as much a material gain as an immaterial gain. Knowledge, discovery and experience are as important to Parfin as gold and prestige. Clerics of Parfin rarely give up the opportunity to travel and they will regale anyone willing to listen with their stories of their adventures.  

Major Centres of Worship: 

The world is the shrine to the cleric of Parfin. As such, no major shrines, temples or citadels exist for the priests of the Farstepper. Aside from the Equinox fairs, Parfinites might congregate during a large fair or perhaps a musical event, but they are not really there to worship but to enjoy the world around them.  

Relations with other gods: 

Parfin and Dranaden are best of friends and the two would frequently meet to share stories or entertain audiences. With Dranaden’s departure, Parfin is a little lonely and sad that his friend is no longer there. Parfin and Gnurich are also very friendly with each other as new discoveries are found, it is beneficial to have a recording of them. Lutien and Parfin would also share many travels together, and enjoy the end of the journey with a nice drink and relaxing at the fireside. Parfin and Leftis have an antagonistic relationship but Leftis is far more frustrated than Parfin is. Parfin enjoys getting the best of Leftis and watching him squirm.  


Parfin appears as a well-traveled and common man with a ready smile and a twinkle in his eyes. He will often pose as a simple wanderer, clutching his favourite walking stick with glee. He often wears a wide-brimmed hat and a traveler’s cloak and his boots are always dusty but not dirty. When forced to fight Parfin wields his walking stick like a club or quarterstaff to great effect. He enjoys knocking people off their feet and helping them back up again. Occasionally he will appear as a wandering minstrel and regale any that care to listen with tales of old and new events.  

Other Manifestations:

Parfin sometimes appears as a Will o’Wisp that may lead travelers out of danger (or possibly into danger). He might manifest as a whispering wind, hinting of unfound wealth or adventure. It has been said that every new discovery is a direct manifestation of Parfin the Farstepper.
Divine Classification
Imperial Being (Shard of Alucar)


Travel, Exploration, Caravans, Traders. Storytellers. Discoveries, New Experiences


A pair of worn boots set in front of a sunset horizon



Typical Worshippers:

Bards, Rogues, Merchants, Travellers, Traders


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