Prism Tower Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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Prism Tower

The Earth Dwarf City of Prism Tower stands like a shining beacon that can be seen a good distance away. The face of the stonework is intricately laid with glass and prisms that reflect and scatter the light, giving it a shiny and bright appearance. It is located just south of Goldencrest, and on the outskirts of a pass to the Spiked Shore. The Dwarves of the south use this tower as a lookout as well as a general meeting place for the Dwarves to the outside world of the south. The Krysin will often meet at Prism Tower and typically go through its gates to reach the outside world. Prism Tower houses many Dwarf craftsmen, as well as some Dwarven farmers, soldiers, and a few diplomats.   Led by Durzok Fargrim Beadmane, a Dwarf of small influence, Prism Tower looks less like a fortification and more like an inland lighthouse. They share Goldencrest’s desire to make the eastern coast accessible to intercontinental travel and will often work with them on projects to restore the shore.


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