Ruins of Starhelm City Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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Ruins of Starhelm City

The Ruins of Starhelm City is now the home to the Witch Queen of Starhelm and her evil minions. She rules at the centre of the city, where the temple to Alucar was once held. She surrounds herself with undead advisors and protectors, including an old Magus of the Conclave. The ruins of the city have remained as they were when it fell, and no attempt to restore anything has been made. Whatever survived is the sole property of the Witch Queen, and many artifacts, and ancient knowledge exist within its crumbling walls. The library of Starhelm was the largest repository of knowledge in all of Starhelm but with the destruction of the city, countless tomes were lost. It still houses a great deal of information in books or items, but it has grown stagnant. No new information is housed there and the Witch Queen does not concern herself overly much with it.   A great Dragon of Death was caught in the blast and is a terrible sight to behold, but fortunately for the people of Starhelm it is held within the confines of Starhelm City and cannot break free of its mistress’ will.


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