Seaguard Chain Geographic Location in Aerith | World Anvil
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Seaguard Chain

This northern mountain chain is situated along the eastern coastline and extends about halfway down the coast until the Lake of Battered Helms. It is colder in the north and the Dwarves of Marblewell and Cragguard are hardy and strong. Conflict is common, and they are used to dealing with war and treachery from the Fallen of Azdurok and the earth creatures of the north. The Galeb Duhr and Gargoyles of the north, while greatly decreased in number since their defeat at Boulderdwell, have not given up their goal of seeing the Dwarves of the north laid low. Resistances both physical, monetarily, and by reputation have sprung up with more frequent occurrence now. The Dwarves are doing their best to maintain their good standing, but the earth alliance continue to move forward.
Characters in Location
Population: Majority – Dwarves; Minority – Galeb Duhr, Terran Genasi, Gargoyle; Small group – Dao; Singular – Roc (Titanclaw)


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