Silverhearth Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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The Earth Dwarf City of Silverhearth is a very average, and standard Earth Dwarf city. It is not too big or too small. It knows its place on the Mantle and does its best to maintain the status quo. Its central location makes it a good stop for outsiders and Silverhearth make them feel welcome. The Halfling village of Silverthorn lies just at the doorstep of Silverhearth and the two communities have partnered up very well. Silverthorn caters to the valley while Silverhearth greets those who wish to delve into the mountains. While there is a pass that goes to the coast through Silverhearth there are not many who bother. There is no safe harbour and very little to be gained from that area of the coast. Silverhearth be sure to watch over those that investigate it though, just in case there is something to be concerned about.   The main export of Silverhearth is, as its name suggests, silver. They make excellent silver items, but they do most of their business by selling the raw ore to merchants and crafters that want prime materials. A separate entrance to Silverhearth is reserved strictly for their business ventures and caters to the businessman and merchant predominantly.   Durzok Eriath Silverstone is the latest in a long line of Silverstone leaders for Silverhearth. It is said that his great, great, great grandfather Elaim Silverstone found the greatest motherload of silver, and brokered the first deal with outsiders for the raw material. A Silverstone has been leading city since that time and there are those who fear that if a Silverstone does not lead the city it will fall to ruin. Eriath does not intend to test out that theory and he currently works very hard to keep Silverhearth’s customers very happy.


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