Snakepass Chain Geographic Location in Aerith | World Anvil
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Snakepass Chain

This mountain chain is situated along the central section of the eastern coastline. While it is smaller than its northern partner it is densely populated and filled with various races and locations that make it quite busy. It is home to Dwarves, Giants, Aarakocra, and even some Dragonkin and Halflings. The greatest temple to the Dragon God Drakova can be found here and it is heavily guarded by spells, swords, and claws.   Snake Pass winds through the centre of this chain and leads to the eastern coast but there is nothing of interest there. However, the Dwarves get concerned by anyone who shows interest other than a quick visit. They constantly send guards, or scouts to keep an eye out along Snake Pass.   The Cloud Giant city of Nimbus Fortuna is a great power in the area but not too many people interact with it directly. Its King Awarnach Astrap is ruthless and also very charismatic. He has managed to bring most of the Cloud Giants in the area under his thumb and he considers himself the ruler of the region, regardless of what other leaders might say.   The Aarakocra of the region have been around for centuries but they are a relative non-entity within the region. Flighty, cowardly, and rarely interacting with earthbound creatures, these creatures of Snakepass manage to avoid most conflict and take no part in the politics of the area.
Population: Majority – Dwarves; Minority – Giants, Aarakocra; Lesser Minority – Dragonkin, Halflings; Minotaurs; Small group - Krysin


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