The Discordant Spire Building / Landmark in Aerith | World Anvil
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The Discordant Spire

The Brothers of the Discordant Spire is a fanatical group of monks dedicated to spreading the Aspect of Morthos that deals with pain and fear. They have made their home in the lands of the Witch Queen, where one of the most prominent temples to Morthos was located, during Starhelm City’s height of power. They are some of the only sentient beings to dwell in the lands of the corrupted city and they take the cursed power and meld it into their own being making them cursed beings in between life and death.   The Brotherhood prides itself on finding new ways to learn about death, including the most gruesome tortures known in the world. They are proud of their methods and will not hesitate to kill, and bring back a soul, over and over again, just to learn more about the effects of death on different creatures. There is not a race, culture, or people that do not fear the Brotherhood on all of Starhelm.
Cathedral / Great temple


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