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The Tree of Magic

(a treatise on magic as put forth by the Most Learned High Talon Brentwise Moonshadow)

Imagine magic and its sources as a mighty tree, with roots, boughs, branches, and a great trunk to house the energy. Each final output of magic can be traced back to one of the eight roots in a path. Some are direct, some are more convoluted, but ultimately every bit of magic has, at its source, one of the eight roots of magic.  

Roots of Magic:

The Roots of Magic make up the fundamental source of magic on Aerith. They are fueled by eight distinct and constant energies that feed directly into the great Trunk of Magic and provide the magic power that emanates throughout the world. All magic ultimately stems from one of these sources, regardless of how distant it may seem. The eight Roots of Magic are as follows: Abjuration, Conjuration, Divination, Enchantment, Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy, and Transmutation  

Trunk of Magic:

The Trunk of Magic is the great reservoir of power as fueled by the Roots. It is the pure magic force that houses the energies that practitioners and users draw from to cast spells, use lineage abilities, or perform great feats of magic. Out of the Trunk flows three Boughs of Magic that represents the prime forces that first drew power from the Trunk.  

Boughs of Magic:

The three Boughs of Magic are Avariel, Draconic, and Primal. At its core, magic is Primal in nature, and was the original source of where its power came from. Over time the Dragon Lords and Zayphos became tethered to the Tree of Magic creating two separate and distinct boughs – the Draconic, and the Avariel. The practitioner of magic is irrelevant to the source of magic. Regardless of the magic being used, where it comes from is what determines the type of magic. Any magic that is not Draconic or Avariel is, by extension, Primal in nature.  

Branches of Magic:

The Branches of Magic represent the connection each practitioner has to the specific bough it stems from. Each use of magic comes from a branch and its source determines the type of magic it is (Primal, Draconic, Avariel). The time it takes to reconnect back to the branch to cast spells or use abilities varies by the practitioner but typically rest and time spent studying, praying, meditating, etc is what reforges the connection to the branch.   Practitioners of particularly high level have learned how to access leaves on the branches and these result in the most powerful spells available. These leaves die when used, but will naturally regrow in 24 hours. Some practitioners have learned how to quicken the time it takes to regrow their leaf but it is rare.


Access to the Tree of Magic extends across all of Aerith and even into the Umbra, as dictated by the Three Pillars.  Distance or location has no bearing on the access to the Tree, with the exception of outside forces that may thwart an individual's attempts to access their own Root.


  • Avariel
  • Draconic
  • Primal


  • Abjuration
  • Conjuration
  • Divination
  • Enchantment
  • Evocation
  • Illusion
  • Necromancy
  • Transmutation


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