The Triune Organization in Aerith | World Anvil
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The Triune

The Triune is formed by the Goldstone clan, the Rureinhold clan, and the Wyrmcave clan. While these three clans all rule together, they each have their specialty and an aspect that they have individual lordship over. It is accepted that the Triune acts in a way that is best for the city, and for Dwarves in general. It is said that no Dwarf loves Forgehome more than a member of the Triune. The seats of the Triune are filled by the head of the Goldstone, Rureinhold, and Wyrmcave clan, and their official titles is Durzok.   While the Triune watch over the major parts of Dwarvish society, they cannot manage a city as large as Forgehome on their own; this is where other clans come in. While these major clans have great power in the city, even they must abide by the demands and decrees of the Triune. Clans only given the distinction of being a major clan when a Durzok appoints them to their position. Once they are decreed a major clan they can only be removed if the two other Durzoks rule them out, though this rarely happens.


King Dorinthor II of Forgehome created the Triune, with the task of leading Dwarven settlers to discover all the mountains of Haven and claim them for their own. The three families closest to the King, Goldstone, Rureinhold, and Wyrmcave, made up the Triune and they were his most trusted advisors. Starting with Shalehaven as their base of operations, the Triune set out to forge new relationships with the rest of Haven. The rule of Forgehome continued to be led by the monarchy, while Shalehaven was led by the Triune. 1000 years later Forgehome was ruled by King Dorinthor IV, a descendent of Dorinthor I, the first Dwarf to ever walk out of the Womb of Humanity. Dorinthor IV was a kind and just king who led the Dwarves toward a bright future. The current Triune in Shalehaven were respected and savvy advisors to Dorinthor, and he trusted them greatly. Aliskar Goldstone, Holdinhar Rureinhold, and Thardin Wyrmcave, were revered in Shalehaven as good leaders. The king admired and relied on their individual expertise in their field. Aliskar was a military genius, who advised the king on the best way to protect and defend the Dwarvish race; Holdinhar was a heavily religious and extremely knowledgeable about the divine, advising the king on how to best maintain a productive and working relationship with the gods; and Thardin was an expert miner, who knew the mines like the back of his hand. The future of the Dwarves looked bright. Then tragedy struck; Old King Dorinthor IV died suddenly, and without an heir, leaving Forgehome with no future king. During the turmoil, The Triune came together from Shalehaven to keep order in the city, eventually deciding that no new clan should be named king. Owing to their success and experience in leading Shalehaven, they instead agreed that they would lead Forgehome together. The rule of the Triune in Forgehome was born that day.
Geopolitical, City council
Notable Members


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