Uorrensh Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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The Krysin city of Uorrensh is a rambling collection of homes, underground dwellings, and craters that meander in and around the spikes and stalagmites of crystal and glass that protrude up through the Spiked Shore. No other denizens of the Spiked Shore have made a home there quite like the Krysin. While most consider the Krysin uneducated, crude, and stupid, they possess a shrewdness, and cleverness that allows them to prosper in a strange and inhospitable land. They have made friends with the Dwarves of Goldencrest and Prism Tower, often working with them on their coastline project, and other ventures.   The Krysin will frequently travel to and through the borders of Prism Tower to get to the other parts of Starhelm, and there are many that dwell in the cities and lands of the continent. Though they did not come originally from The Spiked Shore, they are able to dwell prosperously in that land so much so that they were able to develop a series of warrens and tunnels both above and below the glass. Not too many other than the Krysin and the Dwarves of the region visit and the Krysin are not too upset about that.   They are led by Svetslav Sharptail, a wiry and wily Krysin who has made many deals with the Dwarves for food, supplies, and treasure in exchange for guides, workers, and protection along the Shore.


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