Vocerix Character in Aerith | World Anvil
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(pronounced Vo-ser-icks)

The Voice of Justice


Vocerix is a serious god that is more concerned with the letter of the law reflecting the true needs of the society and culture. He is revered in places with structure and laws.  


Laws quell the chaos that threatens to tear apart humanity and revert us back to the beasts. Without order there is only madness and without consequences there will surely be chaos. Efficiency and promptness are the hallmarks of an advanced society and it is the responsibility of the clergy to ensure the cities are run smoothly and properly. Sometimes tough decisions need to be made and decisive action needs to be taken and it is the will of Vocerix that these matters be handled in a tough but fair manner.  

Major Centres of Worship:

Avandar has the largest temple to Vocerix, named the Vault, and all members of the Council say a quick prayer to Vocerix before they enter the council chambers. Essillion has a temple to Vocerix and a small shrine is set up for him in the Royal Household audience chamber. Those who enter to discuss any matters of state with the Royal Family must say a prayer to Vocerix before they enter.  

Relations with other gods:

Vocerix and Pristell get along well as they both govern over legal and cultural expectations. Their temples in Essillion are very close with each other and they work well together. Gnurich has a good relationship with Gnurich who catalogs the laws and rules of a culture or state. Leftis does not hold a good standing with Vocerix as the deliberate hiding of truths goes against his dogma. Of all the gods, however, Greegis is the one he dislikes the most. That god’s thumbing his nose at the laws and rules of society is so diametrically opposed to Vocerix that he will do anything in his power to root out any corruption.  


Vocerix’ avatar appears as a tall middle-aged man with a regal bearing. He always stands tall and upright, he never slouches. He usually speaks in even, neutral tones and rarely shows any emotion. He has a calm demeanour and a soothing voice but when he needs to make a point, he makes it forcefully and expeditiously. If he is forced into a fight Vocerix will wield his trusty Hammer of Justice. It can grow into a large, two-handed hammer at will or it can remain small and compact.  

Other Manifestations:

Vocerix favourite manifestation is that of a Great Sphynx. He will pass down judgment in a booming voice or listen to pleas of innocence or guilt. In his role as The Triumvirate he may sometimes appear as a tall man in a hooded robe, his face changing into three separate faces, each representing Judge, Jury and Executioner. A sign of his displeasure may be seen when the sands of an hourglass stop flowing freely.
Divine Classification
Imperial Being (Shard of Alucar)


Arbiters, Judges, Law Makers, Contracts, Bureaucracy


Merchant Scales with a two headed hammer for the fulcrum on a sheet parchment


Lawful Neutral

Typical Worshippers: 

Judges, Bureaucrats, Civil Servants, Lawyers


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