Voldurok Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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Voldurok is a Stone Dwarf city that clings to the successes of its past. During the time of Haven Voldurok could have rivaled Forgehome for the centre of Dwarvish culture. It was the economic and trade center of Dwarvish society, being the first stop for any traveler heading north from the south in Haven. Merchants, diplomats, and adventurers would stop at Voldurok to trade and converse with the Dwarves before moving northward. There were many rumors during the height of the city that it would take the throne from Forgehome and become the seat of the throne for the king of the Dwarves. Sadly it would never come to pass. After the Rising much of the travel to Voldurok stopped almost overnight. Land travel ceased altogether as the Portalguard now started at the coast. Sea travel still happened but was rarer as the coast ended in a forest and did not provide a good harbour. While it was still a large Dwarven city it was nowhere near where it was at its height.   After the Fractioning, trade was at an all-time low across the whole of Starhelm. The only thing that kept the city from totally dissolving was their strong connection to Stonebridge. At the present time Voldurok is barely a city anymore, with most of the citizens leaving to other cities. Durzok Thradal Bloodkin leads the city currently but unless something drastic is done it may eventually fall prey to its circumstances.


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