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Thyrm, Lesser God of Cold, Snow, Beasts, Survival, Ice, Giants,


At the Edge of the World by Jakub Rozalski
Lesser God
Ascended Anacestra
Aspects: The White Warrior, Grim Hunter, Lord of the Uttercold, Blizzard King,
Symbols: White fist, Ice Spear, Polar Bear, Bloody Fang
Favored Weapon: great axe or battle axe or spear
Domains: animal, cold, strength, bestial, winter, and storm.
    Thyrm was a gigantic bipedal Anacestra who was well acquainted with the wars on Aer. He was generally friendly with the Dua Crura, but more so because they were the faction he hated least. Arrogant, violent, and extremely powerful, only the largest Embominsana or Draconian could stand against him in combat. While initially not a creator of life and shaper of flesh, he eventually created many of what would be called the Elemental Titans. Thyrm was a creature of flesh, stone, crystal and ice, held together by a living focus of the cold between the stars. His was a cold that was hostile to life. As a being, he seemed to find joy in the snuffing out the warmth of other living creatures.
  Thyrm was noticeable absent from the last battles on Aer. However, he and his army of elemental giants made their way to Aertrea. At some point, between the Arrival and the second War of the Anacestra, he ascended to another realm. Thyrm is presumed to rule a realm somewhere between Arboria and the Abyss. The followers he left behind were instrumental in defeating of the Ebominsana-led aberrations that bubbled up from the Underdark. Collectively known as the Elemental Titans, these unique giant humanoids, along with the Elemental Dragons, had stepped in to rule the many nations of the surface as the Anacestra faded from prominence. These Elemental Titans were the forefathers of the Giant and many of the monstrous humanoids that continue to exist in present day.
  Thyrm's worship, despite him being a somewhat distant and unresponsive deity, has a wide spread base. Human and orc tribes in mountainous and arctic or near to arctic areas are drawn to Thyrm. Some ogres, goblins, and trolls also worship Thyrm. The majority of giants revere Thyrm. There are some few northern dwarves, elves, and halflings who do as well. Those who become dependent upon the good will of the God, soon find themselves without his presence. Since ascended to Godhood, the powerful faith of his worshippers has changed Thyrm to a degree. He is now less hostile towards life, although he is a firm believer in the struggle to survive and the strongest prevailing. He tends to have little interest in the affairs of mortal life, other than to support the themes and faith of his worship. That said, he will intervene when he sees his worshippers facing "unfair" odds. He likes to give them a "fighting chance" when possible.
  As a previous free willed being, Thyrm's identify is less fragmented. He maintains a physical body in his realm. His various aspects are also largely free willed creatures. They are some conflicts between extensions of the God's will and individual entities. He can, but seldom would, exercise some control on them.
  Physical Appearance: Thyrm appears slightly differently depending upon the faith. In general, he is a monstrously large humanoid figure. He is often made of ice or has flesh that resembles it. His hair is always white and often long and combined with a beard. There are some few instances, where Thyrm is portrayed as a female. He is often depicted wielding a huge axe or spear and is often accompanied by a pack of wolves or other hunters.

The Winter Monolith

A holy site of Thyrm located in the farthest reaches of the Holds of the Mammoth Lords. Those few who have visited report that its a series of huge monoliths made entirely of ice. Each monolith is made of different types of ice, some opaque some crystal clear and many of unique colors. These Icy columns never melt and are impervious to magic, fire, and blades. Pilgrims to the sight peer into the ice. So see visions of their futures, others look upon the figure of Thyrm, and still others see visions of great events. The account told by most is of Thyrm sitting upon his icy throne. They describe the scene as, "A great throne room whose walls are the swirling death of cyclonic blizzard but with a ceiling open to a gigantic full moon. Central in the area is a great throne made of a water and icy chunks, like an ice flow held in the shape of a chair. A figure sits upon the throne, but it is difficult to look at, like snow blindness. It gives the impression of massive height and mass. It resembles a bearded man, but the beard is ice vapor, jagged crystals that form with each exhale only to shrink and change between each great breath. Across the figures lap is a spear that appears to made of a single carved tooth of some even more gigantic creature. The God's skin is smooth and bluish-white. Although reclined upon its throne, Thyrm's body appears coiled and ready to strike. At the base of a throne is curled an equally gigantic wolf-like creature. Sometimes it seems to have four legs, other times more. Sometimes it appears to be one creature and in the next moment, its an entire pack. The wolf's fangs are inscribed with dancing runes and its eyes are moons......


1. The Pack: representing the cooperative nature of hunting species, the Pack is worshipped by intelligent wolves, humanoid hunters, and other predators. A "hive mind" of individual creatures spanning every continent and region of Aertrea, the Pack is made up of animals (and magical beasts) such as wolves. While not necessarily a fully intelligent separate entity, The Pack operates as a single organism. It answers prayers and rituals and provides blessings. Almost every aspect of worship The Pack receives is some sort of offering after a successful hunt (or prior to the hunt).
  • Symbols: claw (of some kind)
  • Sacrifices/Rituals: Fresh blood, a recent kill, trophies of prior hunts.
  • Boons: Luck with hunts.
  • Possible Manifestations: a pack of ghostly wolves, a gathering of animal predators,

  During the Golden Age of Empires, the Tarabari Empire was expanding into the ancestral home of the Hu Tribes. The Hu were of human and giant blood and were a small people of fierce hunters and gatherers. They battled the encroaching armies of the Tarabari to a stand still. The Emperor offered them unusually generous offer to join his lands. When they refused, he was insulted and sent multiple seasoned armies to destroy them. The Hu, using ancestral and divine magic of unknown origin, sacrificed themselves enmasse to the Aspect of Thyrm known as the Pack. When the armies of the Tarabari arrived, they found thousands of dead Hu, having killed themselves in a mass suicide. As they investigated, they started to hear the howl of wolves approaching. In time, the howls become like a storm and no other sound could be heard. The armies were suddenly attacked by a sea of hunting animals including wolves, dire wolves, dogs, hyenas, and great cats. The few survivors reported that the animals may have number in the hundred of thousands. The Emperors armies defeated, it took him years to rebuild, and when he did, the Tarbari never set foot in the lands of the Hu again.
  2. The Great Hunt: representing the humanoid's desire and reach for the epic hunt. The Great Hunt is made up of a single humanoid hunter, whose appear changes. The hunter is served by a pack of hunting animals who are an extension of itself. These creatures are sometimes hounds, but this too can vary. The Great Hunt is said to have included wolves, tigers, lions, polar bears, and sharks in different incarnations. The Great Hunt can be summoned with the proper rituals, but only on certain nights. The Great Hunt's allure is so powerful that it has crossed over into the druidic faith. It is unclear how druidic faith influences Thyrm (druids would consider the idea that the Great Hunt was connected to an actual God as near to blasphemy).
Symbols: huntsman's Hood, Pack of Hounds Sacrifices/Rituals: simple sacrifice of hunting trophies or blood. To call the actual Great Hunt is an elaborate and costly ritual only possible on certain nights. Boons: Luck with hunts. Possible Manifestations: a pack of ghostly wolves, a gathering of animal predators,   3. FrostFall, the Living Blizzard: This aspect of Thyrm represents his deadly winter storms and the desire to survive the angry attempts of winter to kill you. A storm, which can, depending on circumstances, be many miles in diameter. It contains all sorts of mundane and magical means of wiping out living things it can encompass. The Frostfall spews forth winter and ice creatures randomly, as it contains many mobile and uncontrolled gates to the elemental planes of air and water and the paraelemental plane of ice. Symbols: claw (of some kind) Sacrifices: Fresh blood, a recent kill, trophies of prior hunts. Boons: Luck with hunts. Possible Manifestations: a pack of ghostly wolves, a gathering of animal predators,
4. The Ice Titan: representing Thyrm's brutal strength and patronage of giants. Symbols: claw (of some kind) Sacrifices: Fresh blood, a recent kill, trophies of prior hunts. Boons: Luck with hunts. Possible Manifestations: a pack of ghostly wolves, a gathering of animal predators,
5. The Winter Worm Symbols: claw (of some kind) Sacrifices: Fresh blood, a recent kill, trophies of prior hunts. Boons: Luck with hunts. Possible Manifestations: a pack of ghostly wolves, a gathering of animal predators,   Thyrm's Court: associated lesser divine beings:

Regional and Racial Differences:

Holds of the Mammoth Lords: Thyrm and his aspects are the primary deity of these tribal peoples who live on the edge of the Northern Continents arctic region. They call him a variety of names, including the Winter King, The White Lord, and the Hunter. Warriors and Hunters of the region make offerings of trophies, ale, and fresh kills. They do not expect Thyrm to save them or provide for them, but to give them the strength, wisdom, and will to do it themselves.

Nivkarinhs: The artic elves of the Far North have an interesting relationship with Thyrm. While they do not worship the God, they are in a long term competition with him and his followers. Built out of mutual respect, the Elves seek to out do Thyrm and his faithful whenever possible. They are not above rubbing their noses in it when they win. While physical combat between the two sides is not unheard of, its almost never to the death. In fact, one side or the other would love the chance to save the other, providing themselves superior.

Giants: The more civilized giants of Aertrea see Thyrm as their deity. Even those who reside in fiery or undersea locations revere him as their patron.

Primitive Giants: Primitive giants vary with some following Thyrm and others worshipping a variety of other divine beings (Gruumsh, Vaprak).

Orc Tribes of the North: The Orc tribes of the North are a varied lot. Some are soley devoted to Gruumsh and some are druidic. Those that don't fall into one of those two categories often worship Thyrm (amongst other deities). The Grim Hunter represents their overcoming the harsh environments of the North to survive and prosper.

The Nis: While almost entirely Druidic in faith, the Nis do have a special spot in their hearts for the White Warrior. While they do not worship him, they do recognize him as a powerful entity. They will leave small givings as shrines or holy places. They fear his anger and respect his strength. The youngest and brashest Nis like to test themselves against the will of Thyrm (who in return has some grudging respect for these hardy people)

Beast Tribes of Imbrifel: These tribesmen, while druidic, revere Thyrm and his aspects.

Feral Elves: While the vast majority of wild elves are druidic, those who do worship deities are naturally drawn to Thyrm and Mare.


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