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Created as a setting for Dungeons & Dragons 5E Aesalia is a low fantasy setting whose campaigns tend to look at the question of justice and legitimacy of rule in a world that is tarred by inequality.
Aesalia is a land finally awakening from centuries of war where races are coming to define themselves and their relations to others. It is a land where grudges are passed down despite their origins being long forgotten. It is a land marked by six great cities whose origins are unknown but grandeur unforgettable.
Divided into 7 continents Aesalia has a range of species and peoples across it. The largest continent is Magarin which itself is divided into numerous subcontinents. Bao lies off its southern coast and the trail of Islands that make up Zakahith off its north-west. Koanga stands alone in the south-west and Liadon in the centre south. The two arctics are Nostra and Castra who stand opposite each other barren and bare.

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