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Brat (Braht)

Brat used to a big metropolis built by the gnomes untill they made it collapse by performing strange magic rituals. There are still tunnels underneath ( the underdark ) where the devolved "deep" gnomes hunt for prey. They live all over the world in the underdark, but here they are the most numerous. The Lonely Inn is secretly a front for "The Giving Hand" a world wide secret order posing as a charity organisation created to keep the underdark secret and the deep gnomes in check.
Brat shows no signs that it once was on giant, sprawling metropolis, and there are few people alive who remember it so. All you see now is a giant crater with ruins of what once have must been collossal buildings. Jagged pikes and enourmous pitfalls dot the entire region, wich seems to be void of any life. Most people tend to avoid this eerie landscape, believing it to be cursed, calling it The Silent Waste. Only the most fearless of explorers and the most desperate of scavengers dare to enter. The few that return seem to have no knowledge of ever even being there, and even less desire to go back.


a giant crater with ruins of what once have must been collossal buildings. Jagged pikes en enourmous pitfalls.


No observable ecosystem.

Ecosystem Cycles


Localized Phenomena

Total silence, void of life.

Fauna & Flora

Void of life

Natural Resources

people from the neighbouring state have since long given up trying to use the giant building blocks for their own buildings  as there seems no way to transport them. The dissapearances of the many of the workers didn't help. Even the rumour of treasure doesn't seem to lure many adventurers here.


There seems to be no written information about the history of this place. Almost as of it has been purposly hidden or destroyed.


No tourists, not many people dare to go there. only one lonely inn on the outskirts of Brat. It's called The Lonely Inn and it's anyones guess  how they stay afloat with so few customers.
Alternative Name(s)
The Silent Waste
Crater / Crater Lake / Caldera


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