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  Litia is a polis devoted to learning and progress. It is the least populous city-state and home to progressive thinkers, pious priests, and wise philosophers. Born from the destruction of tyranny, to this day it pursues the ideals of free thought, societal betterment, and reinvention over stagnation and totalitarianism.  

Built on Ruins

  Many Centuries ago, Litia used to be a sprawling metropolis called Katàkto, the capital of an almost continent-wide empire. The first empire. It was ruled over by a lich-king named Agnomakhos. Agnomakhos aggressively spread his influence across Aeseron, using military prowess, trickery, and overwhelming force to conquer the, at that point barely organised, other settlements. This made the Primes concerned, and the goddess Zestasia chose a group of heroes to overthrow Agnomakhos. Unfortunately, those heroes were not met with thanks and hospitality from the Katàktan people. They laughed and mocked the heroes, and when they almost succeeded in their divine quest, the people of Katàkto formed an angry mob and killed them. This in turn, made Zestasia so angry she decided to start from a clean slate. The metropolis was destroyed by beams of concentrated sunlight, and mostly turned to dust.   Years and years went by until a group of philosophers found the ruins of old Katàkto at the shores of Lake Litmis. They used the foundations (which was basically all that was left) to found a new city. A city they vowed would never become a beacon of conquest again. A city of learning, and peace. But the founders feared this would still anger Zestasia, so they devoted the first building to her, which became a massive temple to her glory on top of a hill overlooking the city.  

The People of Litia

  The people of Litia take pride in their city's grand architecture, especially the great temples to the gods. They value philosophy and other intellectual pursuits, especially the practice of divine magic. Litia's army is known for its discipline and its piety. The city observes every one of the gods' holy days in various ways, and most residents try to live as the gods demand. Rich fields and the bounty of the sea support most people throughout Litia. The people have reputations for being accomplished weavers, skilled sailors, and cunning merchants. Books and literacy are also common throughout the land, and the work of scribes, cartographers, musicians, and storytellers is well regarded. The people of Litia believe themselves to be the inheritors of a heroic tradition, and each person owes it to themselves and to society to strive for greatness. Beyond Litia's common folk, a few groups that hold noteworthy standing are detailed here.   The Council of Twelve   A council of philosophers called the Twelve serves as the ruling body of Litia. They are elected by popular vote among the citizens of the polis, and serve for terms of four years at a time. They are supposed to govern by philosophical principles of justice and social order, and many of them do strive to uphold the highest ideals in their decisions. Others are more grimly realistic, and a few are deeply corrupt, serving only their own interests. The most senior member of the council is recognized as its leader, responsible for bringing the assembly to order and moderating its debate. Currently, this position is held by the renowned philosopher and orator named Perisophia.   Philosophers   Though they aren't necessarily heroic, philosophers are highly valued in Litia, which is renowned as the center of philosophical thought. They form a privileged class, often coming from wealthy families but also supported by stipends from the polis's academies and their own students. Different philosophical schools hold political as well as intellectual power in the polis, with five schools of philosophy dominating Litian discourse.  
  • Elpidians. Perisophia's optimistic Elpidian school currently predominates Litian thought and politics, carrying on the works of the heroic Epharan oracle Elpidios. The Elpidian school strives to put magic and philosophy to use in improving the lives of all Litians. Elpidian mages embrace magic in all its forms.
  • Formalists. Formalist philosophers believe in a realm populated by abstract entities such as numbers and theories. They focus their efforts on trying to improve the moral fabric of the polis, hoping to create the ideal society, where people live together in peace, and where war and crime disappear.
  • Uremideans. This school emphasizes logical reasoning, rhetorical excellence, and theories of ethics and virtue. Uremideans are eminently practical governors who seek to balance ethical ideals and realistic necessities.
  • Nykleans. Nyklean philosophers teach that reason or destiny underlies all of reality, so that everything that takes place must unfold just as it does. These philosophers train themselves to accept and endure whatever befalls them, enjoying good fortune but not grieving its loss.
  • Anapsians. Anapsian philosophy embraces the fine delights of life: the pleasures of love and friendship, fine food and drink, art and music. Anapsians have few strong opinions about governance, except that an ultimate good end should be kept front of mind in all decision.
  The Reverent Army   The hoplites of Litia practice battlefield tactics in an environment saturated with religious devotion. The military force of the polis is called the Reverent Army, and aims as much to exalt the glory of the pantheon as to defend Litia. The soldiers are clever and resourceful, believing their piety leads the gods to smile upon them. More likely, though, their extensive training in battlefield tactics and divine magic gives them an edge over other soldiers, with most Litian hoplites knowing at least a little divine magic.  

Features of Litia

The architectural and academic marvels of Litia testify to the achievements of civilized humanity. The streets are paved with bricks made in interlocking geometric shapes, meant to demonstrate principles of both mathematics and magic. Grand temples line the streets, testifying to the Litians' devotion to the gods. These rise as both mighty bastions dedicated to individual deities and various neighborhood shrines devoted to the pantheon as a whole.   Pyrgnos Many Litians speak of the "edifice of knowledge," referring in the abstract to the sum of all learning and scholarship. Every citizen is expected to help improving this edifice for the good of the polis, whether through philosophical exploration, advancements in magical technique, investigation into the nature of the gods, or perfection of techniques in crafting and trade.   But the edifice of knowledge in Litia is a literal structure as well as a metaphorical one: the Pyrgnos is a glowing stone tower standing near the coast of Lake Litmis. It is literally formed from the collected learnings of the polis, recorded on carved stone tablets and glowing letters hovering in the air. At night, the Pyrgnos shines like a lighthouse, gleaming on the waters of the lake.     The Dekatia Litia boasts many centers of learning, but the preeminent academy for philosophers and mages is the Dekatia. Students who display remarkable promise over the course of their earlier education can go on to spend up to ten years in arduous training at the Dekatia, apprenticed to master priests, mages, philosophers, and military heroes. Those who manage to complete this decade of training are renowned as the wisest of the wise and the bravest of the brave, combining all the essential learning of the polis into one heroic package.   The Observatory The Observatory is a tall viewing platform and a windowed structure offering a splendid view of the sky, renowned as a place to study the skies. Special crystals shaped by thaumaturges and blessed by the oracles of the gods enhance the view, making it easier for observers to see the workings of the gods among the stars and constellations. Priests, mages, and philosophers interpret what they see in the Observatory as signs and omens from the gods.  


  The official symbol for Litia is the wise owl. You can see this throughout architecture and military banners.    


Litian officer of the Reverent Army


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