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Nestled amidst a labyrinth of murky swamps and fetid marshes lies the enigmatic city-state of Pyrrhus, an island of civilization amidst a sea of untamed wilderness. Its origins are shrouded in mystery, its history whispered in hushed tones among its inhabitants, a testament to the city's enduring resilience and the indomitable spirit of its people.   Surrounded by a treacherous swampland teeming with lurking predators and treacherous terrain, Pyrrhus has carved out a unique existence, adapting to its harsh environment and turning its challenges into strengths. Its towering fortifications, built from the gnarled roots of ancient trees and reinforced with woven reeds, stand as a testament to the city's ingenuity and resourcefulness.   Pyrrhus was, for most of its history, under Pharaki rule. They rebelled, and the outnumbered Pyrrhans laid waste to Pharaki legions by playing to their strengths: Ambush warfare. They knew the swamps in and out, and the heavily armored Pharakians were ill-equipped for fighting in these environments. The last 150 years, they have been an independant polis.  

Hidden Gem

  Despite its remote location, Pyrrhus has emerged as a hub of cultural exchange and trade, its bustling markets teeming with goods from across the region. Its artisans, renowned for their craftsmanship, create exquisite works of art from the swamp's abundant natural resources, their creations eagerly sought after by merchants from far and wide.  


  The people of Pyrrhus are a hardy and resourceful breed, their lives shaped by the challenges of their environment. They are fiercely independent and protective of their city, their loyalty to one another unwavering. Their culture is deeply rooted in respect for nature, their lives intertwined with the rhythms of the swamp.  


  The Krypteia are a special kind of Pyrrhan Soldiers. A Kryptes' purpose is to be an expert in guerilla warfare. They excel in stealth, tracking, ambushing, etc. They are considered a sort of boogieman among Pyrrhan society. People who misbehave too much get hunted down by these spy-soldiers. Rebellion against the polis' leading family, the Savras, get squashed with imputy and without mercy. In warfare, the Krypteia are a force to be reckoned with. Both Pyrrhus' enemies and its citizens fear them, and rightly so.  

A Nest of Vipers

  Pyrrhus is well-hidden from the rest of Aeseron. This makes it a good hiding place for other poleis' ne'er-do-wells and criminals. The criminal underground of the polis is thus quite powerful. For the longest time, Pyrrhus was a chaotic place, gangs and cults vying for power on the streets. The latest century or so, this has bettered somewhat. Most people atribute this to the rise of the Savra family. This crime family has taken over the streets of the polis, and have been a stabilizing force throughout its underbelly.   The Savra family are now the polis' "unofficial" monarchy, using the River Council, its official ruling body, as a puppet government.  

A City of Secrets and Mysteries

  Beneath the surface of Pyrrhus's bustling markets and tranquil landscapes lies a hidden world of secrets and mysteries. Whispers of ancient rituals, hidden treasures, and mythical creatures abound, fueling the imaginations of its inhabitants and attracting adventurers from beyond the swamp's boundaries.  

A Crucible of Strength and Fortitude

  Pyrrhus, a city-state forged from the heart of a treacherous swamp, stands as a testament to the indomitable spirit of humanity. Its inhabitants have adapted to their environment, turned challenges into strengths, and built a society of resilience, culture, and intrigue. A hidden gem of civilization amidst a wilderness, Pyrrhus beckons adventurers and scholars alike, promising a voyage into the depths of mystery and the allure of the unknown.  


  The sigil of the Savra family, a Black Lizard on a green field, has also become the symbol for the polis itself    
The Polis' Temple District


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