BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


  In the beginning, all was void. Then, the void gained consciousness, and named itself Kenos. After some time exploring itself, Kenos became lonely, and decided to try his hand at creating. First it separated the energies of The Void into the Planes of Existence. Then, it created beings of extreme, raw power and named them "The Prime Divines". Said Divines started creating their own plane: The Material Plane ,AKA Edafos. They appointed domains of the Material Plane among themselves. Zestasia received dominion over fire and light, Kyma ruled the seas, rivers, and lakes, Apsidos created and ruled over magic...
  When the Primes finished their very own plane, they wanted to fill it with sentient beings, so they could be worshipped. They felt this would bring them more power. Their first creation was the elves. Near-immortal beings of great intelligence and grace. After a time these ancient elves became arrogant, and thus the Primes took their long lifespans away. Their second creation were the dwarves. Headstrong, resilient folk, who would craft beautiful shrines and temples for them. The dwarves' stubbornness, however, made them almost extinct after centuries of infighting. These days they have slightly rebuilt their race, but for centuries they were on the verge of extinction, pleading with the other races for help in diplomacy. Many dwarves have taken refuge in the city-state of Itomenion. It was a small settlement when the first dwarven refugees arrived, but they helped it evolve into a new home polis for the dwarves.
  The Primes went on to make more and more sentient races, until a great divide started forming. Some Primes believed they were growing gluttonous, and should be content with the work they had done. Others believed they should always strive for more knowledge and power. They were split into two factions. Respectively they were the Iremians, and the Prodosians. The war they waged became known as The Forgotten war. It may have had a different name once, but it is not known. Strife and war spread among the two factions and their followers, until The Void had enough. He created two more planes, and banished both factions to their own one. The Iremians were sent to the plane of Elysium. The Prodosians were sent to the plane of Asphodel.
  This left the sentient races, or "Kith" halfway to their own devices. The Primes could still aid and communicate with their followers, but in a very much lessened manner. All of the Primes still have their champions, but they must help them by granting them powers, instead of helping directly. This event, the Gods being banished to their own plane is called the Exoria.


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