
Aesor is the central world within the high-fantasy setting of the Kingdom, representing the primary civilized planet within the universe of the Myst. Aesor, or more precisely the elements within, is the catalyst of the cosmic conflict, fueled by the right to own the Powers of Creation. These elements are the essence of life in the Myst, essentially yielding the great conflict between the Idolons, and later the between the Scions resulting in the the Scionic Wars, a war that has symbolically torn apart the Myst into myriad pieces during the course of millions of years.   Aesor and the elements breath existence into beings such as Kalzamaath, the Dragons, and the various mortal races. It remains the enduring home for all life originating from the Myst's original vision of existence within the universe (as far as mortal knowledge understands). Mortal Existence & Aesor’s Structure   The world of Aesor provides home to 7 mortal races:   1. Volkran’dir
2. Volkran’dur
3. Alarian
4. Ephyran
5. Nepheli
6. Gruul
7. Arkey
  Life on Aesor is comprised into 3 groups:

The Greater Beings

  1. Immortals (e.g.: Kalzamaath and the Scions)
2. Elementals
3. Dragons
4. Monsters (category differs depending on certain cultural aspects)

The Mortal Races

  1. Mortals
2. Mutants (not an officially categorized Mortal Race, but Aesorian academics couldn’t properly allocate them, hence why they were put into this group)

The Lesser Beings

  1. Monsters (category differs depending on certain cultural aspects)
2. Beasts
3. Animals
    Aesor’s surface or civilised territories are made up of 9 distinctive regions/continents:   1. Vahalzaar Badlands
2. Lands of Fire
3. Plains of Alar
4. Great Jungles of Mezataan
5. Lethassa, the Four Isles Sea
6. Hrurvyr Depths
7. Whitehall Peaks
8. Illetehassa (the Unsailed Oceans)
  Aesor’s underground consists of 10 layers leading down to the core of Aesor (according to current Aesorian studies and beliefs):   1. Unborn Path
2. Mystrisen Depths
3. Sands of Aeso’nur
4. Uncharted Grounds
5. Mordheir Depths
6. Uncharted Grounds
7. The Inrax
8. The Aesoric Jade
9. The Aesoric Mysts
10. Kalzamaath’s Chamber
  Above Aesor’s surface there are 3 additional layers separating the mortal world from the Myst:   1. The Shattered Light
2. The Phantom of Hearcelin (her persona, known as the Óhiness, or more academically known and recorded as the Broken Mirror of the Veiled Gap)
3. The Veil of Vals (the thousands of Scions of Vals trying to break through the Shattered Light *only visible at night*)

A Central Role

  In the cosmology of the Myst, Aesor is perceived as the central focal point. It is believed to be the linchpin of the Myst's universe. While the Myst itself holds this status within the broader scope of the Archavast, also known as the Outerworld or the Boundless Reach. The Archavast represents a chaotic plane of nothingness and serves as the home of extraplanar bubble worlds known as the Annons.

General Information

Type - Mortal World   Annon of Existence - The Myst   Size - approx. 59.660.000 km2   Elemental Host(s) - Air, Fire, Earth, Water, Lightning, Radiance and Shadow


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