Alarian Faction: The Public Ministry

The Public Ministry stands as one of Alar's core governing institutions, charged with representing the common citizens within the Hall of the Five Shepherds, the epicenter of authority for the Revered Orders.   Upon reaching the age of 16, every Alarian citizen faces a significant choice: They must elect to join and dedicate their life to the service of one the Revered Orders or entrust the Orders to select on their behalf, a choice predicated on their individual aptitudes. The Public Ministry ranks among the Mandatory Orders as an option for young and old.  


  Essentially, the Public Ministry creates a diverse assembly of individuals, comprising the masses who undertake an array of professions, distinct from the domains claimed by the other Orders. Though the majority of citizens are considered part of the Public Ministry by birthright, official induction into the Order only transpires on one's 16th birthday.  

Sheeps in a Lion’s den

  While pivotal in voicing the concerns and grievances of the common people, the Public Ministry often finds itself relegated to a marginalized position within the hierarchy of the Revered Orders and the Five Shepherds. This is due, in part, to their exclusion from the political machinations that dominate Alar's power structures. Nevertheless, they are an indispensable pillar, serving as the the voice of the people.  

The Power of the People

  The Public Ministry forms a vital conduit in sustaining the illusion of democracy within Alar. As the voice of the common citizens, they remain an essential asset to the Five Shepherds. In essence, the Public Ministry is the embodiment of the people, an ever-present reminder that the Orders rely on the populace for their legitimacy. However, their influence within the Halls of the Five Shepherds is often constrained, relegated to advocating for seemingly minor matters, though the resilience of the Public Ministry should not be underestimated. They are, after all, the bridge connecting the Orders to the very essence of the Kingdom of Alar: its people.

General Information

Type - Political Organization   Influence - Below Average   Origins - Kingdom of Alar   Base of Operations - Asterfort   Loyalty - Kingdom of Alar


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