Alarian Title: Crownguard

The Crownguard is a military rank within the Chaplet Ring's Order. In the hierarchical structure of the Chaplet Ring, the Crownguard holds a position just below the Sworn Knights of the Chaplet Ring, who occupy the first noble rank within the organization.

Duties & Responsibilities

  Crownguards are primarily entrusted with the duty of guarding the perimeter and external fortifications of Trigate's Citadel. This role places them at the forefront of the citadel's defense, ensuring its security and safety. Though in complete rivalry, they must work in close cooperation with the Knights of the Golden Shield from the Windbreak Pact, a select group with limited numbers. These Knights owe their presence so close to the Citadel thanks to the Windbreak Pact's influence and the plots of the Brotherhood.
  In times of escalating tensions and potential conflicts between the Five Shepherds, which represent the Five Orders, against the Chaplet Ring as the Sixth, the Knights of the Golden Shield serve as the ultimate safeguard. They are the Revered Orders' last resort in court, summoned to protect and battle Sworn Knights and the Crownguard of the Chaplet Ring, if it will ever come to that.

From Crownguard to a Sworn Knight

  Crownguards are distinguished by their battle-proven experience and loyalty. They are seasoned guards and warriors who have demonstrated their mettle in combat, honing their skills through years of dedicated service. Their loyalty is true only to the monarchy they serve, and to the Chaplet Ring.
  For many within the Chaplet Ring, serving as a Crownguard represents a pivotal step on the path to becoming a true knight. It serves as a preparatory role, providing valuable experience, discipline, and a profound understanding of the Chaplet Ring's values and traditions. Aspiring knights view their service as Crownguards as an essential part of their journey toward attaining the esteemed title of Sworn Knight of the Chaplet Ring.

General Information

Type - Military Rank   Hierarchy Tree - The Chaplet Ring   Position - Member   Origins - Kingdom of Alar   Loyalty - Kingdom of Alar


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