Councillerian Faction: The Ancorixi

The Ancorixi are the dedicated scholars and teachers of Marcry knowledge within the the Academy of Vyt Ancora. Their name, which translates to "of Vyt Ancora", signifies their affiliation with this prestigious institution. As inheritors of the ancient traditions of Marcry practice and guided by their commitment to responsible use, the Ancorixi work in close collaboration with the Keepers, to ensure the judicious utilization of Marcry across the nation. Their mission is to prevent the recurrence of the tragic events that befell Ephyr four centuries ago.   The Ancorixi represent a lineage of educated and learned individuals who embrace the Marcry way of life. They are modern-day heirs to the experimental Marcry practices that thrived in the days before Ephyr's Tragedy. This learned group comprises scholars, mages, wizards, educators, and Marcry-lawyers dedicated to preserving, understanding, and regulating Marcry use. They form the intellectual backbone of the Councilleria, contributing significantly to the nation's academic and mystical advancements.  

Ensuring Responsible Marcry Use

  One of the primary responsibilities of the Ancorixi is to collaborate with the government, to establish and enforce laws regulating Marcry use, vouched for by the Keepers. These laws are intended to restrict and monitor the application of Marcry to prevent any calamity akin to the one that befell Ephyr. Their role is indispensable in maintaining the balance between practicing Marcry for the greater good of the nation and averting its potential dangers.   While the Ancorixi and the Keepers cooperate in regulating Marcry practices, differences between these two groups often spark heated debates. Their primary points of contention include the extent of limitations on Marcry experimentation, the proliferation of the House Grove’s movement, and the perceived lack of government support for the people of House Gardener, primarily situated in the West of Ephyr. The source of these debates are usually the core differences between the two groups: The cautious, well thought-out steps of the Keepers, and the ever growing need for experimentation and advanced research of the Ancorixi.  

Scholars and Educators

  Beyond their role in Marcry regulation, the Ancorixi serve as educators, imparting knowledge and the scholar experience to remote jungle societies, nomadic House Grove members, and villages throughout Ephyr. They are responsible for disseminating teachings encompassing physics, mathematics, Marcry theory, Annonic studies, Mystic studies, history, and lore. Through these efforts, they ensure that even the most isolated Ephyrans remain educated and informed about the world and universe around them.

General Information

Type - Academic Organization   Influence - Most Influential   Origins - Council of Ephyr   Base of Operations - Vyt Ancora   Loyalty - Council of Ephyr (House Gardener)


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