Councillerian Faction: The Earthen Pact

The Earthen Pact represents a dedicated group of agriculturalists and farmers among the Ephyran people, situated in the heart of the lush Mezataan Jungles.  

The Pact’s Mission

  At its core, the Earthen Pact comprises individuals whose primary mission is the cultivation of life itself. With a deep understanding of the connection between mortals and the earth's bounty, these farmers approach their vocation with humility and deep respect. To them, the seeds they sow are not merely sustenance but a profound connection to the very essence of the land they inhabit.   These agriculturalists, accept their role as custodians of the region's most valuable resource: fertile soil. They labor relentlessly in the jungle's lush environs, facing sun and rain alike, to ensure the land thrives. The well-being of the soil is of utmost importance, as it directly impacts the quality and quantity of their harvests.  

A Harmonious Approach

  Like many other groups and factions made up of mostly House Grove members, the Earthen Pact's distinctive approach to agriculture centers on harmony. They recognize that nature follows its own rhythm, one that cannot be rushed or forced. Rather, they adopt a cooperative and harmonious method. In communion with the earth, they coax life from the soil, nourishing it with just the right measure of sunlight and water. Farmers work alongside nature, offering nourishment and care to foster the land's productivity.   A hallmark of the Earthen Pact's farming philosophy is their profound belief in the sentience of the plants they cultivate. Each crop, in their eyes, possesses its own unique form of consciousness. This perspective informs their every action, from planting to harvest. To the Earthen Pact, it is not a matter of simply producing food; it is about nurturing life.  

Beyond the Councilleria

  What sets the Earthen Pact apart is their remarkable benevolence. Their concern for others reaches far beyond the borders of the Councilleria. They donate surplus fruits and vegetables generously, not only to Ephyran families but also to foreign communities in need. This selfless spirit extends their mission to the broader world, radiating their warmth and kindness to those beyond their homeland.

General Information

Type - Agricultural Organization   Influence - Barely Influential   Origins - Council of Ephyr   Base of Operations - Liyerin   Loyalty - Council of Ephyr (House Grove)


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