Councillerian Faction: The Kin-folk

The Kin-folk have perpetually stood as a cherished component of Ephyran culture, their traditions deeply rooted harmony of the Mezataan Jungles. Their Áhreanic mission lies in nurturing a symbiotic relationship between the of beasts, animals, and the Ephyran civilization. These Kin-folk comprehend the intricate workings of natural selection, as well as the delicate balance that underpins the food chain within the jungle's heart. Their dedication is channeled towards achieving a state of perpetual balance, where nature thrives in all its splendor, unfettered by disorder.


  Their wisdom, handed down through generations, allows them to interpret the nuances of the natural world. Among the Kin-folk, there are many talented Drunidas (Mages of the Áhreany), are essential members of their group. They possess a deep understanding of Mother Nature, the ever-turning cycle of life and death, and the delicate dance of survival that unfolds within the Mezataan Jungles.   The Kin-folk, deeply attuned to the rhythms of the jungle, make their abode within its leafy confines. They dwell on the fringes of Ephyran cities and villages, forging a deep connection between the heart of civilization and the untamed wilderness. Their presence offers a vital bridge between the Ephyran population and the myriad creatures that inhabit the jungle, fostering a relationship of mutual respect, understanding, and cooperation.  

Walkers of Mezataan

  One of the most distinctive aspects of the Kin-folk's role is their commitment to maintaining balance within the Mezataan Jungles. They serve as the mediators or peacekeepers of the natural world, dedicated to ensuring that no single species dominates the jungle at the expense of others. The Kin-folk understand that the relentless pursuit of balance is the key to preserving the jungle's vitality.   Through their intimate knowledge of the jungle's ecosystem, they work tirelessly to prevent ecological imbalances, intervening when necessary to protect vulnerable species and ensure the flourishing of diverse life forms. Their efforts contribute to the overall health and prosperity of the Mezataan Jungles, enabling both the Ephyran civilization and the natural world to coexist in sustainable harmony.

General Information

Type - Social Welfare Organization   Influence - Barely Influential   Origins - Council of Ephyr   Base of Operations - Vulhyn   Loyalty - The Nh'áhrean (House Grove)


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