Councillerian Faction: The Linferni

The Linferni are an Ephyran secret underground organization of extremist Ephyran in the Mezataan Jungles. Their agenda is nothing short of revolutionary - they aspire to see a singular leader ascend to the throne, resurrecting the Serenity Table and, in the process, reestablishing a totalitarian monarchy. They lurk in the shadows, and are considered a major threat within the Ephyran society.

Pursuing a Legacy

  At the core of the Linferni's agenda stands Windlord Aenir and Overlord Alhym, both leading figures of great significance within Ephyran history. Aenir once attempted a daring assassination of the Keepers, an endeavor that ended in a failure. Rather than deter his loyal followers, this event galvanized many who would go on to form the Linferni. While his otherwise well-known fame has been tarnished by his actions among the Ephyran folk, he remains a symbol of rebellion and change for the Linferni.   The Linferni's ultimate objective is to dismantle the Keepers, governing the Council of Ephyr, and supplant it with a total monarchy led by a person equal to Aenir’s values.   The Linferni operate as a web of agents, often concealed within the very heart of Ephyran cities, towns and villages. Assassins, cold-blooded killers, and royalist soldiers loyal to Aenir and his vision for the realm constitute the core of this organization. They navigate society discreetly, leaving no discernible trail, rendering them elusive and challenging to apprehend.   To further their agenda, the Linferni employ a gruesome tactic - the calculated massacre of individuals displaying loyalty to the Keepers. These orchestrated acts of terror serve as chilling messages, indicating the determination of the Linferni and the reach of their influence.   In response to the Linferni's actions, the Council’s Protectorate has embarked on a mission to eradicate this menacing organization. Their methods range from covert investigations to the strengthening of security and intelligence networks. A tireless effort to dismantle the Linferni is underway.

General Information

Type - Rebel Faction   Influence - Influential   Origins - Council of Ephyr   Base of Operations - Famlyril   Loyalty - Serenity Table's hierarchy


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