Great Jungles of Mezataan: Ephyr

Ephyr, the capital of the Council of Ephyr, is a city steeped in contrasts and divisions. Its unique infrastructure and history have given rise to divide between its two distinct cultures, resulting in a city that feels like two separate entities existing in parallel.
  At the heart of Ephyr lies its inner city, an inaccessible enclave that serves as the headquarters of the government, known as the Keepers. This inner city, the marcritically preserved remnants of Ephyr's Tragedy, is off-limits to the entirety of the population (except for the Keepers and those chosen personally to provide value). Instead, the real life of the capital thrives in the outer city, known as Ephyrisa, where a diverse array of people call home. Ephyrisa has become the real capital city, while the inner city remains a mysterious meeting place and research grounds for the Keepers.
  Ephyr stands as a poignant reflection of the profound cultural and ideological differences that emerged following Ephyr's Tragedy. This division in perspectives and worldviews is manifested not only in the attitudes of its inhabitants but also in the city's architecture and way of life.

The Social Divide

  The deep-seated division within Ephyr led to the establishment of two symbolic houses, House Gardener and House Grove. These houses do not confer noble titles or ranks but serve as markers of cultural identity. They represent opposing lifestyles and values.
  These symbolic houses have spread beyond the city limits and now serve as identifiers for individuals across the nation, distinguishing their cultural backgrounds, beliefs, and lifestyles. The division between these two houses has persisted, further fragmenting the city and contributing to a sense of "us vs. them" among Ephyrans.
  Today, Ephyr remains divided between its northern and southern districts, each representing a steep contrast to the other. Visitors to Ephyr often remark that it feels like exploring two distinct cities simultaneously. The city's unique blend of history, culture, and ideological divisions continues to shape its character and influence the lives of its inhabitants.

General Information

Aliases - The Ephyran Dome, Keeper's Shrine, House of the East & West, Council Star, The Shrouded City   Type - Capital   Region - Great Jungles of Mezataan   Size - Capital city approx. 377 km²   Population - approx. 167.000   Races - Ephyran 75%, Nepheli 12%, Alarian 8%, Arkey 3%, Other 2%   Ruling Faction - Council of Ephyr


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