Great Jungles of Mezataan: Vytgarden

Vytgarden, often referred to as the "Academy capital" and the "capital of the South" by Ephyrans, is a prominent city in the Council of Ephyr. This city holds a unique status and serves as a gateway to the mystical Vyt Ancora. While it may be the second largest city in the Councilleria, it is by far the most popular, particularly among outsiders.   Vytgarden stands out as the most technologically and marcritically advanced city in the Councilleria. Its allure is enhanced by the magnetic pull of the marcry academy; Vyt Ancora, drawing countless visitors to its gates. Tourists flock to Vytgarden because it offers a remarkable experience: the opportunity to witness the breathtaking beauty and wonders of the Great Mezataan Jungles, all within the confines of a controlled and secure environment.   One of Vytgarden's distinguishing features is its ability to encapsulate the natural splendor of the Mezataan Jungles within its borders. Visitors can explore gardens, museums, and zoos that replicate the marvels of the jungle without exposing themselves to its inherent dangers. This unique approach has made Vytgarden a favored tourist destination, luring travelers who seek the allure of the wild while enjoying the comforts of a safe, city-based experience.

General Information

Aliases - Academy Capital, Capital of the South, The Great Garden   Type - City   Region - Great Jungles of Mezataan   Size - City approx. 189 kmĀ²   Population - approx. 81.000   Races - Ephyran 75%, Alarian 11%, Nepheli 10% Other 4%   Ruling Faction - Council of Ephyr


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