Gruul Faction: The Mark of Gragramesh

The Mark of Gragramesh is a distinctive symbol amongst the Gruul, signifying the class and role of individuals in the Mold's cult. Unlike the Mark of the Old One, which collects warriors and important taskbearers of the Gruush vision, this mark designates the Gruul who serve as workers and aspiring corruptors, dedicated to satisfying the Mold's (the Gruush) requirements. Their collective goal is to rebuild the old Gruul Empire to its former glory exactly the same as it once was. Gruul bearing the Mark of Gragramesh labor tirelessly, day and night, driven by the desire to fulfill the Mold's vision and the Gruush's ambitions. This vision centers on reconstructing the Gruul Empire to mirror its past self. In their efforts, these Gruul harness the assistance of bugs and insect-like creatures, effectively utilizing them to aid in their strenuous work.  

Many Roles of Gragramesh

  The Mark of Gragramesh is a class that unites not only the essential craftsmen and experts in the Wormwork but also all other Gruul who work diligently for the Mold and share the vision of a controlled hivemind. While not every Gruul may aspire to serve the Mold as a warrior or taskbearer, they find their place within this class, dedicated to fulfilling the Mold's interests.  

The Working Class

  Members bearing the Mark of Gragramesh engage in diverse roles aligned with the Mold's requirements. Many are dedicated to manual labor, serving in the Imperial Minehives. These workers contribute to the essential industries that sustain the Gruul Empire. Others pursue regular jobs in their home hives and cities, ensuring the continued functioning of their communities. Additionally, some excel as inventors, craftsmen, and engineers within the Wormwork the same as the rest of the worker classes from the other two cults. Their innovations and creations advance the Gruul's collective efforts to rebuild their empire.  

Backbone of the Gruul Empire

  The Mark of Gragramesh symbolizes the dedication of a working class committed to fulfilling the Mold's needs and working to provide for the Gruul Empire as a whole. This class represents the backbone of Gruul society, embodying the values of diligence paired with their vision. While their relationship with the Mold and the Gruush may not be as intimate or trusting as that of the Mark of the Old One, these Gruul bearing the Mark of Gragramesh are essential to the realization of the Mold's vision and the Gruul Empire's resurgence.

General Information

Type - Social & Artisan Caste   Influence - Barely Influential   Origins - Gruul Empire   Base of Operations - None   Loyalty - Gruul Empire (Cult of the Mold)


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