Gruul Faction: The Mark of the Old One

The Mark of the Old One is a symbol within the Gruul society, signifying the individual's class and integral role within the Mold's cult. Those bearing the Mark of the Old One are mostly warriors, devoted to the vision of the Gruush, the hidden genius worms that seek to control the whole hive of the Gruul Empire with their own version of a mind controlling ability, mimicking the one the Old One possessed hundreds of years ago.

The Old One’s Legacy

  Members of the Mark of the Old One are the chosen warriors of the Gruush vision, and their responsibilities revolve around protecting the interests of both the Mold and the Gruush personally. To serve this cause, they actively work towards reestablishing the mind control of the Old One, a concept central to the Gruush vision. Their loyalty earns them the favor of the Gruush, resulting in distinctive privileges.   In recognition of their loyalty, those with the Mark of the Old One receive distinctive benefits and recognition from the Gruush. These privileges are in the form mutated enhancements, specialized weaponry and armor, and the unique right to carry weapons even in the presence of the Gruush.  

Roles of the Chosen

  Members of the Mark of the Old One engage in various roles aligned with the interests of the Mold and the Gruush. A significant portion operates as warriors, dedicating themselves to become mindless freaks and barbaric fighters. These martial roles are integral to their mission of fighting other Gruul cults and protecting the interests of their cult.   For those with skills that do not align with a warrior's path, they may choose to become taskbearers for the Mold. These individuals perform duties essential to the Gruush vision. Their responsibilities span from espionage on other cults, the delivery of critical messages, diplomatic engagements, and the management of the cult's economic interests.  

The Imperial Swarm

  The Mark of the Old One signifies not only their loyalty to the Mold and Gruush but also their commitment to the Gruul Empire as a whole. The empire, divided into three distinct cults, relies on the united strength of the Imperial Swarm, a military organization protecting all cults within from external threats. Gruul bearing the Mark of the Old One serve the Imperial Army just the same as the others, protecting the empire's integrity and interests, particularly in the ongoing conflict with the Realm of Zhor—known as the Buried Wars, which has endured since the year 755.

General Information

Type - Military & Special Caste   Influence - Influential   Origins - Gruul Empire   Base of Operations - Basan Arg   Loyalty - Gruul Empire (Cult of the Mold)


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