Gruul Faction: The Warriors of Rnark

The Warriors of Rnark are a military group within the Gruul Empire, representing the warriors and soldiers of the Rnark cult. Marked by a specific Gruul symbol, this class plays a pivotal role in protecting the free city-states that have united to enjoy autonomy and resist oppressive centralized authority. These warriors are entrusted with the responsibility of maintaining peace within their communities and city-states and fight the threats that might seek to hinder their lives or freedom.

The Peacekeepers

  The Rnark cult is a coalition of free city-states that have banded together, committed to living without the yoke of a centralized authority attempting to suppress their freedom. Unlike the warrior classes in the other Gruul cults, the Warriors of Rnark function distinctly. They represent a purely martial class, devoid of additional subclasses. Their role centers exclusively on combat and protecting their communities.  

The Motherland

  The Warriors of Rnark are distinctive among other Gruul warrior classes in that they actively seek to expand and explore the long abandoned Gruul Motherland. They journey into the untamed territories, scouting for opportunities to reestablish their Gruul heritage. While some Gruul choose other classes, those who embrace the path of the Warrior of Rnark demonstrate true courage and tenacity in their pursuit of Gruul rebirth.  

The Imperial Swarm

  Those who commit to becoming Warriors of Rnark bear the same dual responsibility of serving not only their cult but also the broader Gruul Empire. The empire is composed of three distinct cults, and despite their differences, the Imperial Swarm, also known as the Imperial Army, is a unified military organization dedicated to protecting the Gruul from external threats.   The Warriors of Rnark must also actively participate in the missions and campaigns of the Imperial Swarm, engaging in combat against enemies such as the Realm of Zhor and other external threats. While the three Gruul cults maintain their unique identities and objectives, when it comes to defending the Gruul Empire's integrity, they still stand as one.

General Information

Type - Military Cast   Influence - Influential   Origins - Gruul Empire   Base of Operations - None   Loyalty - Gruul Empire (Cult of the Rnark)


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