Hrurvyr Depths

The Hrurvyr Depths is a sprawling labyrinthine network of underground tunnels and caverns that carve their way through the depths of Aesor. Many see it as the crown jewel within the Unborn Path, distinguished by the remarkable Imperial Webroads that snake across the region. These subterranean highways, the true face of genius Gruul engineering, transform the treacherous, rocky terrain into smoothly paved paths. While initially constructed to facilitate the movement of the Imperial Swarm, these roads have become an intrinsic part of the region's infrastructure.

Gruul Legacy

  This subterranean realm bears the imprint of the old Gruul Empire's craftsmanship. Gruul marks, intricately carved stones, and the hum of functioning Wormwork machinery adorn the pathways, still honoring the old Empire's ancient glory. Stretching from the forgotten Gruul Motherland to the current capital of the Empire, Ovruk Pass, these Webroads link the vestiges of the once-expansive Gruul Empire, bridging the past and present.  

The Webroads

  The marvel of the Imperial Webroads has not escaped the attention of other races within the Unborn Path, who covet the advantages these roads offer. The speed and ease of movement they afford have become an envied advantage for the Gruul Empire, enhancing the mobility of their armies, facilitating efficient trade, and supporting the movements of laborers.  

Post-Collapse Hrurvyr

  Despite the Hrurvyr Depths being diminished in comparison to its pre-Collapse magnificence and the loss of the Gruul Motherland to the Mystrisen, it remains one of Aesor's most advanced regions. Its engineering marvels and roads symbolize the true face of Gruul intelligence and resilience. Even though, its dominion is now relatively smaller in size, since the Collapse the Gruul learned to live not just in the tunnels of the Unborn Path, but also on the surface. However, surface settlements are generally seen as undeveloped ghost towns, that is only thanks to the region’s general climate and inhospitality. It is a rigid, harsh, desolate, and uninhabitable, primarily occupied by the nomadic Rnark Cult of the Gruul, a dead land where nothing grows, yet the Rnark are trying to colonize it to the best of their abilities.

General Information

Aliases - Imperial Depths, The Gruulish Tunnels, Hrurvyr, Cult-lands   Type - Underground Realms   Aeos Presence - Earth   Size - approx. 757 miles horizontally   Regional Population -  approx. 1.000.541   Races - Gruul 87%, Arkey 4%, Alarian 3%, Volkran'dir 2%, Nepheli 2%, Other 2%   Ruling Faction - Gruul Empire


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