Kirin Island

Kirin Island is the tropical paradise of the western Four Isles Sea, situated in close proximity to the Great Jungles of Mezataan and the northernmost point of the Plains of Alar. The island's strategic location between the two aforementioned regions has resulted in its transformation into a flourishing tourist destination, one of the most visited on Aesor. However, the circumstances surrounding Kirin Island had not been as idyllic in the past.  


Kirin Island first emerged in the public consciousness of the Aesorian people with the loss of the 78th Flag in the Year 441. Prior to the formation of the 1st Fleet, Alarians designated their combat-ready vessels as Flags, as all warships were previously modified transport ships, only repurposed for naval combat. The 78th Flag was an Alarian repurposed warship that was sunk by an Ylvela of Tash (Vessel of War, in Nh'áhrén).   It is said that the 78th Flag was in fact a ship carrying one of the most valuable items ever discovered on Aesor, the mythical Circlet of the Saltdragon. This ancient Nepheli relic, which is believed to be of “godly” origin, was found by Alarian divers near the Nathied Trench.   Nepheli tales, tell the legend of the ancient Saltdragon. One of the children of the Lightless God that became one with the sea after its death. All that remained was one eye, an oculus of marbled salt. Apparently, the godly Saltdragon died fighting its sibling, T'halthuum. The monstrous being was unable to consume its sibling, so instead it crushed the Saltdragon, resulting in the salty substance that is felt by all today within Lethassa, the Four Isles Sea.   Upon discovering the ancient pearl-like stone, the Nepheli incorporated it into the circlet itself, effectively creating the crown for the line of Sea Kings (during the Sulth Alliance). The circlet had been held by the Sea Kings for many generations until Sea King Hadar lost it. In a historic skirmish known as the Battle of the Eight Storms (Year 312), the Alarian scouts gained information on the location and destination of the Sea King’s own vessel and set a trap for the Sulth leader.   The Alarians emerged triumphant, vanquishing Hadar and capturing him as a prisoner. However, the Sea King withheld the Circlet from the Alarians, casting it into the sea. According to the stories, over a century later, the divers of the 78th Flag discovered the item in the same location.   Continuing with the Ephyrans’ attack on the 78th Flag heading home, the majority of the Alarians perished, with only a few surviving the Councilleria's sudden attack. It is uncertain whether the Councilleria were aware of the Circlet's existence, or not, this is a part of the puzzle that will never be known among many other thing.   The remaining sailors were carried by the waves to the far west, eventually reaching the uncharted Kirin Island. According to rumour, they had the Circlet with them. The castaway sailors were greeted by the extremely friendly Kirineshians, the local Nepheli folk of the island who were not part of the Sulth Alliance, despite the Sulth's perception of them as members of the Alliance (a similar relationship exists between the Kirineshians and the Commonwealth today).   The sailors were fed, given a place to sleep, and tended to their every needs. Such was the level of care and support provided to the survivors that, even after weeks of being marooned, they refused to return to Alar or even attempt to establish communication with their homeland. This is particularly surprising given that they were supposed to be in the possession of the Circlet. Why would the sailors abandon such an important mission, bringing the mythical item home, and lay back for weeks instead? The weeks swiftly transformed into months as the sailors were afforded the opportunity to enjoy the hospitality of the Kirineshians, essentially living as kings.   However, the newly explored tropical paradise would not be immune to the difficulties of the period, the Struggle for the Sea. The Ylvelas of the Councilleria soon appeared on the horizon, possibly seeking the sailors or the Circlet itself. This was the first occasion on which the Ephyrans set eyes upon Kirin Island. In their own historical accounts, they refer to this as the inaugural exploration of Kirin, without even mentioning the Alarians who were already present at the time (according to Alarian history).   The Ephyrans arrived on Kirin Island, but the Alarian sailors were not stupid either, and set up traps all around the territory (with the help of the locals). They employed guerrilla tactics, ambushing the Councilleria’s men whenever they had the chance. The Ephyrans' account of the same event describes their arrival on the island, followed by the Alarians' arrival on the opposite side, with the intention of attacking them and claiming the island for themselves.   As can be seen, these are two very different stories. However, in order to maintain consistency, I will primarily adhere to the Alarian narrative (and my own neutral interpretation), as this is the source of the Circlet's legend.  

The Grief of Kirinesh

  It was not long before the local population found themselves enmeshed in the Alarian-Ephyran conflict and the Struggle for the Sea itself. Both parties attempted to persuade the Kirineshians to join their respective sides, but they declined to engage in combat. Nevertheless, they did not refuse to assist both parties in their conflict. With the assistance of the Kirineshians, both parties dispatched requests for reinforcements, both arriving with haste.   That was when hell let loose on the island. In a few years time, thousands of locals perished in the brutal conflict, primarily due to their refusal to evacuate their coastal homes, which were subsequently transformed into frontline positions. This resulted in the Nepheli locals undertaking a mass migration to their underwater city, Kirinesh, leaving Kirin Island almost completely to the Alarians and Ephyrans engaged in a bitter struggle for control of this paradise.   The Struggle for the Sea lasted for more than 40 years before the Ioniesh Pact finally brought an end to it. While the pact resolved the majority of territorial disputes, it did not address the issue of Kirin Island. After months of heated discussions, the two parties reached an accord, paving the way for a dual government in the tropical paradise. A line was drawn across the island, separating the northern and southern regions. The city of Kirin, situated in the middle of the island, served as a buffer zone and the official capital of the Ephyran-Alarian colony. This is how such a tourist attraction came into being. The Ephyran-Alarian duo-government extended an invitation to the Kirineshians, and although a significant number of them accepted the offer to serve future tourists, a considerable proportion of the Kirineshians remain reluctant to visit their sacred island.   As for the Circlet itself, there is considerable uncertainty as to its whereabouts and the validity of the narrative surrounding its discovery. Is it possible that the sailors were able to salvage the item and conceal it on Kirin Island? Or perhaps the Ephyrans managed to take it away from the surviving sailors’? No one will ever truly know.  

The Aesorian Paradise

  Today, Kirin Island has forgotten and possibly forgiven all past sins and crimes committed by the Alarian and Ephyran colonists (or so they would have the world believe). Despite the discrepancies in their respective stories of the island’s initial discovery (with both parties claiming to be the first to arrive), the Second Age has brought about a period of cordial coexistence between the Alarians and Ephyrans on Kirin Island, both rich folks dining and drinking like brothers and sisters amidst the paradise’ horizon.   As far as life on the island goes, it is arguably unparalleled, with the exception of those who already reside in castles back home. The local population is always there to serve visitors throughout the day and night. Despite the prohibition on purchasing land on Kirin Island, the most influential and affluent individuals have constructed their own residences on the island's most desirable beaches, careless of any future punishment since these people probably have the whole dual government in their pockets.   Most of the visitors are rich tourists coming here to take a break from their otherwise corrupt lives. However, there are some that come here in the search of treasures, particularly in relation to the legend of the Circlet of the Saltdragon.   The city of Kirin, situated in the centre of the island, serves as the administrative capital of the colony. The Councillerian and Alarian delegates and governors are responsible for making all decisions regarding the island and its rapidly growing economy and global value as a leading tourist destination. With next to no regard of their neighbouring Nepheli city, Kirinesh and their government (who practically should “own” the island), the Kirineshians get no vote or a say in any of the colony’s matters.   The thing is that, Kirin Island and the surrounding culture of the locals seems all to strange to be true, especially to us, self-reliant academics. How is that, an otherwise fully independent culture and people just simply relinquish their holy island to random outsiders came to plunder, conquer and colonize? The concept of the existence of such naive individuals, blinded by religious values, is entirely beyond our comprehension.   To this day, the people of Kirinesh adhere to the belief that the Lightless God will return the island to them once the God feels that their time has come. In the meantime, as their religious values suggest, they must care for the people currently inhabiting Kirin, which means the Alarians and Ephyrans.   What does “their time has come” actually mean? How do they envision this whole “the Lightless God will give back our island”? Perhaps beneath the illusion of peacefulness and absolute naive thinking, there is a will for harsh aggression and destruction. Perhaps the day will come, when the Kirineshians rise up and massacre all outsiders on the island? The dual goverment obviously has no such a worry, since even to this day, the people serving the rich tourists are Kirineshians, the people serving their food, their drinks, guiding them within the Island, are all Kirineshians.   Should the colonists be concerned about all this? Only time will tell whether such a catastrophe will take place. If it does, it will be recorded as one of the most “unexpected” and largest massacres of the wealthy and influential people to date. From the oppressed and those regarded as fools, became the butchers of the colonized paradise.

General Information

Aliases - Paradise Island, The Jewel of the West, Holy Island, Nipple of the Lightless God

- Island   Aeos Presence - Water & Air   Size - approx. 100 miles horizontally (mainland)   Regional Population - approx. 22.000   Races - Nepheli 84%, Alarian 6%, Ephyran 6%, Other 4%   Ruling Faction - Kingdom of Alar & Council of Ephyr


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