Lethassan Faction: The Thaen

The Thaen represent a military faction within the Lethassan Commonwealth, characterized by their determination and dedication to hunting down their greatest adversaries, the Tyras. Driven by their belief that the Vizier possesses the wisdom needed to guide the nation towards peace and harmony, the Thaen have undertaken the role of vigilant pirate hunters, focusing primarily on maintaining stability in relations between the Lethassan Commonwealth and other nations, especially the Kingdom of Alar.   At the heart of the Thaen's mission is their commitment to preserving peace and the authority of the Vizier and the stability of the Lethassan Commonwealth, in alignment with the “respecting” the Vizier's guidance. Like the Tyras, who, though unwished-for, challenge the authority of the Vizier and defy her pleas to cease hostilities, the Thaen fight fire with fire.  

Pirate Hunters of the Lethassa

  The Thaen have earned recognition as bloody pirate hunters. Their primary focus is countering the belligerent actions of the Tyras, who frequently raid Alarian ships and pose a significant threat to the peaceful coexistence of the two nations. By actively targeting and engaging the Tyras, the Thaen sometimes commit even greater atrocities against their own kind than the Tyras to the Alarian merchants.  

The Divide for the Same Cause

  Despite the Vizier's directive to halt all hostilities, especially between her own people that are allegedly fighting for her, these two factions do not have even the smallest of motives to make peace with each other. Especially, the pirate hunters, the Thaen's deep-seated devotion to her and the Lightless God compels them to continue their campaign against the Tyras. This enduring conflict has morphed into an internal civil struggle within the Lethassan Commonwealth, exacerbating the divide between these two fervent factions.

General Information

Type - Criminal Organization   Influence - Very Influential   Origins - Lethassan Commonwealth   Base of Operations - Resieth   Loyalty - Lethassan Commonwealth (Government's side)


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