Nation: Gruul Empire

In the desolate and rocky barrens of the North-East, a sprawling subterranean labyrinth unfurls, comprising thousands of tunnels that snake their way into the bowels of the earth. This network of passages leads deep into the heart of the Gruul Empire, ultimately converging in the Hrurvyr Depths. Here, amid the echoing chambers and shadowed recesses, the Gruul and their diverse cults toil tirelessly, driven by their unparalleled will to rebuild their beleaguered civilization, even as internal strife threatens to tear them asunder.   Despite the perpetual conflict and intense rivalry among the three cults, a shared commitment to the Gruul ideology of aspiring unity serves as the fragile glue holding the empire together. This ideology underscores the belief that the Gruul are strongest when united, despite their internal discord.  

Government & Capital

Since the Collapse, the Gruul government has undergone a profound transformation, resulting in its division into the three major power groups known as the Three Cults of the Empire:  
  • The Mold
  • The Mold, often referred to as the Gruush Cult, represents the faction within the Gruul government that advocates for strict control. This faction is influenced by the Gruush, huge, highly intelligent, and reclusive worm-like entities that rarely reveal themselves to outsiders. These beings were once the Old One's most trusted advisors and devoted followers, maintaining a close relationship with their master’s legacy. The Gruush firmly believe that the survival of the Gruul is contingent upon the restoration of the Old One's empire, which relies heavily on mind control. They are steadfast in their conviction that unity without individual free will is the key to the Gruul's continued existence. The Mold's headquarters is situated in Basan Arg, apart from their seat in Ovruk Pass.
  • The Norhg
    The Norhg cult (or otherwise known as the Mrorsa Cult) is led by the Mrorsa, the Hive Queens of the Gruul. The Mrorsa were and still are the birthing mothers of the Gruul race, however, until the Collapse they were without free will just like the rest of the Gruul. This group is considered to be a more balanced and moderate force among the three. The Norhg seek unity and unwavering obedience but strongly oppose the methods of the Old One and its former empire, which were built upon mind control. They advocate for a form of control that allows for some degree of personal agency. Their headquarters is located in Ovruk Pass.
  • The Rnark
    In contrast to the other two factions, the Rnark are a unique group led by no single figure. They predominantly inhabit the caves, mountains, and lands outside of Ovruk Pass, where they govern their own Gruul communities and city-states. The Rnark firmly believe in the value of freedom, considering it their salvation from the dark forces that once threatened to engulf them. They envision a prosperous future founded upon this principle of freedom. The Rnark maintain their city-states as their headquarters, with Rnarkrig serving as a favored gathering place for Rnark assemblies.
  Despite being rivals and harboring divergent beliefs, the three cults within the Gruul government share commonalities that presently unite them. For instance, they hold a shared perspective regarding the technology left behind by the Old One. While the Old One had the knowledge to create this technology, it was the Gruul who physically constructed it. This shared history and ownership of the technology form a common thread that binds the three factions together, albeit tenuously.   Unlike the structured Alarian Orders, the Gruul cults operate in a more fluid manner. Their power and influence are determined by the number of followers they amass, with each cult vying to gain supremacy. It is a delicate balance, for when one cult accumulates enough followers, it may seek to eliminate its rivals to consolidate its position. This constant struggle for dominance means that, while they remain united in principle, they teeter on the brink of civil conflict on a daily basis.   For the Gruul, unity is a necessity, a fundamental strength that they understand well. However, their unity is as precarious as it is potent, with the potential for internal strife always lurking beneath the surface of their society.   As for their capital, Ovruk Pass stands as the subterranean heart of the Gruul Empire, a sprawling labyrinthine hive city entrenched deep within the earth. This cityscape is unlike anything found on the surface of Aesor and is emblematic of the Gruul's intricate society. Ovruk Pass is a place of awe and dread, teeming with an eerie existence brought about by the Gruul's mastery over their Wormwork technology.    


    Gruul society is a complex web of intellect, resourcefulness, and internal tensions. Emerging from the shrouded depths of Aesor, they have crafted a unique civilization driven by a relentless pursuit of knowledge and self-sufficiency. The Gruul's unparalleled intelligence and commitment to self-preservation have allowed them to endure the harshest of trials.   At the core of Gruul society lies a deep-seated belief in their own intellect. They consider themselves a unified entity, a collective force where the pursuit of intelligence is paramount. Despite the current discord that divides their empire, the Gruul continue to value and reward inventiveness while shunning ignorance.   One of the Gruul's most remarkable achievements is the creation and utilization of the Soulpillar. These enigmatic insects play a pivotal role in their society. Nestled within the heart of every Gruul willing or compelled is a soul-eating grub that acts as a repository for their essence. Upon death, the grub transforms into a dormant puppet-like form, which eventually emerges as a new Gruul, reusing the same soul.   Intriguingly, some Gruul extract Soulpillars to harness their energy as a power source for their advanced machinery. These machines, omnipresent in Gruul society, rely on the captured souls of fallen comrades to operate. The genesis of the Soulpillars is a testament to the Gruul's collaboration with the Magistrate of Aztheon, culminating in the creation of these extraordinary creatures.   Soulpillars, however, are exceptionally rare and elusive insects, incapable of being bred. Consequently, the Gruul dedicate their lives to mining the subterranean realms, searching for these precious grubs on the Unborn Path, further fueling their ongoing conflict with the Realm of Zhor and the aggression of Volkran'dur.   A prevailing sentiment among the Gruul is the cautious approach towards the outside world. The wounds inflicted upon their society during the Collapse have left lasting scars, making many Gruul hesitant to engage with the broader world. However, this sentiment varies among different factions within Gruul society.   While the core government, including the Mrorsa and the Gruush, views outsiders with skepticism and perceives potential threats among them, the Rnark exhibit a more open attitude. The Rnark travel extensively, establish territories outside their traditional domains, and actively seek allies in the ongoing battle against the lurking darkness. Their willingness to engage with the world beyond sets them apart from their more cautious counterparts.   Commerce with outsiders is a double-edged sword in Gruul society. While many acknowledge the benefits of trade and collaboration, they tread carefully, keeping a safe distance from potential dangers. For now, the Gruul maintain a guarded stance, maintaining their focus on their internal recovery and the preservation of their unique culture and technology.   The Rnark, however, defy this cautious trend by actively participating in global affairs, expanding their reach, and seeking assistance in their ongoing war against the remnants of darkness that still fester in forgotten caverns and abandoned Gruul cities. Their bold approach contrasts with the apprehensive stance of their fellow Gruul, as they strive to forge alliances and secure their future in a changing world.    


    Around the year 748 of the First Age during the Dawn of Creation, the Gruul birthed as the last civilized race to grace the world of Aesor. Unlike the other races, the origins of the Gruul are shrouded in even greater mystery. Most historians believe that they were not the handcrafted creations of the Óhin, leaving scholars to engage in endless speculation regarding their genesis. The quest for the truth, however, often met an insurmountable obstacle known as the Maze of the Gruush. The pursuit of knowledge regarding Gruul origins and seeking the secrets of th maze led to the execution of many rogue scholars by the hands of the Gruul Empire, ensuring that the secrets of the Gruul remained hidden.   Within a mere five years of their emergence, the Gruul were organized into the great hive of the Gruul Empire by a monster-like worm entity known as the Old One. This highly efficient system functioned flawlessly, with the entire nation acting as puppets, their minds subject to the desires of the Old One. According to Gruul historical accounts, various interpretations abound regarding why the Old One constructed this empire. However, the prevailing theory suggests that the Old One harbored ambitions of world domination.   The Gruul Empire stood as a meticulously crafted machine of war, intellect, and innovative, almost alien ideas. The Gruul pioneered machines powered by souls, creating marvels and contraptions that had the potential to either shape or shatter the world. All of these inventions were conceived by the Old One and meticulously executed by its legion of Gruul minions. These countless individuals operated as a hive mind, working tirelessly to fulfill the desires of the Old One.   However, before the Gruul Empire could reach its full potential, the era known for dismantling civilizations commenced, known as the Rage of Fates. This calamitous period began with a shattering event called the Collapse, which birthed a mysterious adversary, known only as the Mystrisen.   The Collapse, a puzzling marcritic anomaly, was purportedly responsible for the demise of the Old One. Debate raged over whether the Old One perished, disappeared, or remained in some altered state. Nonetheless, the Old One's presence became conspicuously absent following the Collapse.   With the Old One's fate uncertain, the hive mind that governed the Gruul Empire ceased to exist, and the Gruul awakened from their prolonged period of mind control. Yet, this newfound freedom thrust them into a bewildering situation. To compound matters, thousands, if not millions, of Gruul were corrupted by the same anomaly believed to have affected the Old One. These afflicted individuals transformed into monstrous beings of shadow and flesh, becoming known as the Mystrisen. Consequently, the Gruul found themselves embroiled in a nightmarish conflict, fighting against their own brethren turned Mystrisen.     Great cities crumbled, and countless lives were lost. The Gruul Empire stood on the precipice of total annihilation, except for the resilient inhabitants of Ovruk Pass.   Ovruk Pass, the current capital of the Gruul, was a city uniquely positioned as a direct tunnel connecting the surface to the Unborn Path, the subterranean world. Situated closer to the surface, it remained far removed from the heart of the Gruul Motherland, where the Mystrisen horrors originated.   The Gruul inhabitants of Ovruk Pass undertook daring rescue missions, ferrying as many of their kind as possible from the Motherland to prepare for the impending defense of their last stronghold, the Last Bastion, Ovruk Pass. By the time the Mystrisen reached Ovruk Pass, its defenders were well-prepared and resolute. For eight long years, the Gruul of Ovruk Pass valiantly fought to hold back the Mystrisen, repeatedly pushing them to the fringes of the Motherland. However, the Mystrisen consistently regrouped and clawed their way back to Ovruk Pass. Then, one fateful day, after eight years of relentless struggle, the Mystrisen inexplicably vanished into the depths of the Unborn Path, seemingly retreating to the Gruul Motherland, or more precisely, that’s what many believe to be the case.   The origins of the Mystrisen and the nature of the Collapse continue to confound scholars and historians. Yet, these profound events irrevocably altered the course of Gruul history.   Following the disappearance of the Mystrisen, the Gruul gradually began to colonize some of closest and the less ravaged settlements of the Unborn Path. Their quest: to rebuild their fallen empire. However, these resolute individuals carried with them only fragments of their collective memory from the days of the old Gruul Empire. This meant that they had to relearn the intricacies of their own technology, the Wormwork. This learning process endures to this day, with the Gruul acquiring new insights from their own culture and past that had long been forgotten.   The eight years of war against the Mystrisen had hardened the Gruul, rendering them stronger than ever. However, the newfound freedom of thought brought with it the drawback of divergent desires among the Gruul. This disagreement over the re-establishment of the empire gave rise to distrust, internal conflicts, and civil strife. Consequently, while the Gruul Empire remained ostensibly united, it was effectively divided into three societies and beliefs, each dominated by a distinct cult: the Norhg, the Mold, and the Rnark. Each cult envisioned a different future for the empire and, although they were rivals, they reluctantly cooperated to secure the Gruul's prosperity and ensure a brighter future.   At present, the Gruul Empire is embroiled in the ongoing Buried Wars (Year 755 - *present*) a relentless conflict against the Realm of Zhor, an ever-aggressive neighbor. Zhor's expansionist ambitions threaten not only the Gruul but also the colonies and interests of other nations, including the Clans of Vahalzaar, the Kingdom of Alar, and the Lethassan Commonwealth. The Gruul Empire finds its basis in the principle that "the enemy of my enemy is my friend," and while cooperation remains limited, it serves as a bulwark against Zhor's relentless hostility.    


  • Ovruk Pass
  • Norocrux
  • Grorri Harbour
  • Axiom
  • Grarngir Lift
  • Hrurvyr Gate
  • Basan Arg
  • Ornogol Rgrar
  • Hirix
  • Rhanoc
  • Ilgirur
  • Nrergir
  • Gruush Vault
  • Hremagol’s Monument
  • The Rotten Door
  • Grorri Enterance
  • Imperial Minehive I.
  • Imperial Minehive II.
  • Imperial Minehive III.
  • Imperial Minehive VI.
  • Imperial Minehive V.
  • Imperial Minehive IV.
  • Kthir
  • Nhorgarm
  • Bnerexruz
  • Tgroir
  • Krugr
  • Nogruuland Fort
  • Legerokk
  • Jriz
  • Ririx Hold
  • Prigriut
  • Raagt
  • Tnarok
  • Flilx
  • Rnarikrig
  • Alix Rgrar
  • Evor Rgrar
  • Arimalit Rgrar
  • Arghamenan
  • Hrugrig Rgrar
  • Grugragat
  • Tzerghurar Pass
  • Byok
  • Knakra Rgrar

Minor Factions



  • The Sect of the Old One
  • The House of the Buried Dragon

General Information

Capital - Ovruk Pass   Homeland - Hrurvyr Depths   Citizen Population - approx. 880.000   Religion(s) - Sect of the Old One, House of the Buried Dragon   Leader(s) - Nhalthees, Hyix of the Mold / Huorgrim, Hyix of the Mrorsa / Arun Vern, Hyix of the Rnark   Ruler Type - Triarchy   Government Type - Cultic Triarchy   Founded - approx. between Year 810 - 812  

Rivalries & Alliances

Positive Relations - None
Neutral Relations - Clans of Vahalzaar, Lethassan Commonwealth, Kingdom of Alar, Council of Ephyr
Negative Relations - Realm of Zhor, Magistrate of Aztheon


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