Nation: Magistrate of Aztheon

In the frozen heights of the North, the Magistrate of Aztheon, a society composed predominantly of the Arkey race, dedicate their existence to the relentless pursuit of knowledge. At the heart of their civilization lies a profound reverence for Marcry, the mysterious energy that courses through the world, and a deep commitment to unraveling the enduring mysteries of Aesor. While the professed mission of the Magistrate is to better the lives of all inhabitants of Aesor through the pursuit and dissemination of knowledge, beneath the surface lies a complex web of intrigue and subtle machinations. The Magistrate, driven by their unquenchable thirst for wisdom, often engage in intricate plotting and strategizing, their motivations not always laid bare. This penchant for secrecy has left many pondering the true extent of their ambitions and the depths of their influence on the world's affairs.  

Government & Capital

  At the helm of the Arkey's governance stands the esteemed Lord Taleteller, Balrose Demisaga. His formidable intellect and mastery over Marcry have earned him the esteemed title of Archmage of the College of the Shattered Light, an institution of unparalleled significance for the Magistrate.   The College of the Shattered Light operates under a unique governing body known as the Three Listeners Council. Comprising three of the most revered Arkey ancestors, including Balrose Demisaga, this council wields authority over the Magistrate, overseeing its vast domains that include towering structures, extensive libraries, thriving cities, and numerous colleges. Their governance is founded on principles of fostering innovation and nurturing intellectual brilliance.   The beating heart of the Magistrate and the epicenter of their intellectual endeavors is Aztheon, the magnificent capital city nestled within the College of the Shattered Light. This sprawling metropolis serves as the headquarters and a preeminent center of education for the Arkey.   Aztheon boasts the distinction of being the preeminent school complexum in the entire world. Its hallowed halls house an extensive repository of knowledge, chronicling the Myst, Marcry, and the myriad mysteries of Aesor. Within these ancient walls, the Arkey impart their wisdom and expertise to Feiln students (seekers of knowledge of non-arkey origins), instilling in them the art of Marcry and the secrets of the ages.   Aztheon pulsates with an overwhelming presence of Marcry energies that permeate every facet of the college. Visitors and scholars who lack the skill to harness these energies are at risk of succumbing to marcritic overdose, emphasizing the importance of the guidance and protection of experienced Ancestors of Marcry, when traversing the college’s marcritic stairs and corridors.  


  The Magistrate of Aztheon stands as the foremost bastion of Marcry knowledge on Aesor. Although their numbers are relatively modest, their unparalleled expertise in the field of marcritic arts sets them apart as an extraordinary civilization. Possessing divine origins connected to the dragons, the Arkey are marked by their remarkable efficiency and an insatiable thirst for knowledge, making them the wisest and most intelligent inhabitants of Aesor.   At the core of the Magistrate's identity lies their devotion to Marcry and wisdom. They insist and believe that their insular nature generally keeps them aloof from the tumultuous affairs of the world, be it wars, conflicts, or political disputes among other races, even though they are heavily involved in many things even if from the background. As a collective, they maintain a measured detachment from formal interactions with other nations. However, the Magistrate extends a unique offering to foreign nations in the form of educational exchanges, where aspiring outsiders, referred to as the Feiln, are welcomed into the folds of their society to partake in the profound wisdom of the Magistrate.   The Magistrate, known for their intellect, offer their guidance to world leaders, lords, kings, and heads of nations, factions, and guilds throughout Aesor. Their counsel, enriched by their ancient knowledge and distinctive perspective, is regarded as priceless, serving as a beacon of enlightenment for those who seek it. Above all else, the Magistrate is resolutely dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and the attainment of true enlightenment. Their lives are consecrated to the study of marcritic arts and the history of Aesor and the Myst. This enduring quest for wisdom shapes their society and informs their actions.   One of the most intriguing facets of the Magistrate's society is their unique stance on experimentation. Magisters from Aztheon habitually engage in experimentation across a wide array of domains. For the Arkey, the pursuit of higher ranks within their society hinges on their capacity to generate spectacular inventions and groundbreaking innovations. This relentless commitment to intellectual prowess transcends boundaries, as even outsiders who wish to align themselves with the Magistrate are expected to contribute significantly to the body of knowledge. The Magistrate's intense disdain for intellectual mediocrity often strains their relations with those who do not meet their exacting standards.   The Magistrate and the Arkey are synonymous with marcritic knowledge and wisdom, offering their guidance to the world while maintaining a steadfast commitment to the unending journey toward enlightenment. Their unique outlook on experimentation and intellect defines their civilization, even as they like to remain somewhat detached from the affairs of the broader world (or what they like to believe).  


  In the chronicles of Aesor's history, the Arkey stand as the first race, emerging into existence in the Year 141 of the First Age A.A. Their creation, like that of other races, has been attributed to the Óhin. Yet, the exact process and details of their genesis remain shrouded in the mists of time, leaving room for speculation.   The Magistrate of Aztheon, was founded by Balrose Demisaga the first Arkey and a progenitor of the race, to teach great Arkey minds and flourish together in intellectual studies while exploring the mysteries of Aesor. Balrose holds the distinction of being the first mortal among the first race to grace Aesor. This pivotal figure played a crucial role in the establishment of the Magistrate, setting the course for the Arkey's unique civilization.   The Magistrate of Aztheon has long maintained a passive observer's stance in a world marked by strife and change. This approach often takes the form of extensive espionage activities. However, their overactive role as observers has occasionally triggered conflicts, such as the Hex Wars.   The Hex Wars marked a significant chapter in the Magistrate's history. This conflict left a profound impact on their nation, akin to the Council of Ephyr's plight. The circumstances surrounding the Hex Wars, including the Magistrate's role and objectives, remain subject to debate and scrutiny.     Especially suspicious during the Rage of Fates, the Magistrate of Aztheon has managed to evade national tragedies and unexplained calamities that have plagued other nations. This has led to speculation and raised questions about their true nature. Numerous theories circulate among academics and observers.   Three prevailing theories encompass the Arkey's mysterious aura:   Some posit that the Arkey's great intellect, overthinking attitude and meticulous nature has shielded them from grave mistakes or misfortune that plagued other nations. Others believe that their unique connection to the Óhin grants them protection and privileges. A very strong belief is that the Magistrate conceals dark secrets, a theory that has piqued the world's curiosity.     While all three theories hold elements of truth, many impartial thinkers contend that the Magistrate indeed maintains a shroud of secrecy around their activities and intentions, and even their history. These elusive enigmas continue to defy revelation, leaving the world in a perpetual state of wonder and intrigue.   The Magistrate of Aztheon, despite their reputation as passive observers, was drawn into the tumultuous Struggle for the Sea. Their participation can be attributed to the preceding Hex Wars, a conflict between the two marcry giants that spilled over into new frontiers, shaping the course of their involvement in subsequent events.  


  • Aztheon
  • Vendor’s Point
  • Lovriq Tower
  • Woerin
  • Goghin Tower
  • Xurek
  • Castle Rhinix
  • Thallum
  • Castle Lithrius
  • Dargos
  • Muri’s Divide
  • Northstar Keep
  • Silihis
  • Rithus Tower
  • Zhaher
  • Anrix Tower
  • Sylhil
  • Iores Hex Fortress
  • Carraheyes
  • Diadrhem Tower
  • Zarhacan Hold
  • Triadyn Tower
  • Norhis
  • Vilvail
  • Ezra’s Pocket
  • Treoc
  • Castle Nithix
  • Korhix
  • Irhican
  • Grisinth Tower

Minor Factions



  • Ecclesia of the Shattered Light
  • House of the Dragon in the Sky

General Information

Capital - Aztheon, the College of the Shattered Light   Homeland -Whitehail Peaks   Citizen Population - approx. 300.000   Religion(s) - Ecclesia of the Shattered Light, House of the Dragon in the Sky   Leader(s) - Three Listeners (Lord Balrose Demisaga)   Ruler Type - Listener   Government Type - Magocratic Consulate   Founded - Year 141.  

Rivalries & Alliances

  Positive Relations - None
Neutral Relations - Realm of Zhor, Clans of Vahalzaar, Lethassan Commonwealth
Negative Relations - Gruul Empire, Kingdom of Alar, Council of Ephyr


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