Nation: Realm of Zhor

Deep within the heart of volcanoes nicknamed as the Land of Fire, a fiery civilization thrives known as the Volkran'dur, often called the 'Fire Beneath' by their Volkran kin. Their luminous, burnt skin radiates a fiery red hue, while veins pulse with an inner glow resembling flowing magma. Below the mighty Zhor Mountain in the east, lies Zhor'dur, the primal capital of the Realm of Zhor. This settlement is a well fortified labyrinth of tunnels, leading from the volcano's peak to the center where the Inheritors reside.   Embracing the Way of the Blazing Hand, a fusion of religion, elemental Marcry, and tradition, the Volkran'dur enchant their bodies and weapons with the fires of their volcanoes. The Blazing Hand manifests as relentless burning armies, wielding weapons aflame, as they wage their underground war against the Gruul in the Buried Wars.   Living in caves and perceived as primitive compared to other factions, the Volkran'dur harness the raw power of their volcanic domain, embodying the fiery essence that courses through their beings. Their passion for conquest and their unyielding connection to the depths of the earth make them a force to be reckoned with both within the darkness of the Unborn Path and the surface of Aesor.      

Government & Capital

    The Realm of Zhor, a tenacious and fiery nation within Aesor, are led by two paramount figures known as the Inheritors. Rooted in the post-Sundering Volkran culture and beliefs, these leaders bear the titles of Dhoran Khal in Volkran tongue. The dynamic duo consists of two distinct roles: Uk and Ul, signifying the warrior and shaman aspects, respectively.   Uk-Hunr, the indomitable wrath of the Volkran’dur, he holds the mantle of the Warrior. With an arm forged of fire and magma, adorned with fearsome spikes, Uk-Hunr exudes unyielding ferocity. His fervor fuels his leadership, directing the Realm of Zhor in their battles both within the Unborn Path and beyond.   Conversely, Ul-Rutmrer personifies cunning strategy and intellectual prowess, adorned with intricate Volkran’dur tribal tattoos and markings etched into her skin. Ul-Rutmrer, a mastermind of manipulation, guides the Realm of Zhor through her tactical acumen, steering their course in the war against the Gruul Empire and the conquest of the Unborn Path.   Zhor'dur, located beneath the Zhor Mountain's imposing bulk in the east, stands as the primitive capital of the Realm of Zhor. This infernal settlement is a complex web of tunnels that converge at the heart of the Vulcan, the dwelling place of the Inheritors. An obsidian-like skin cloaks the volcanic mountain, lending it an almost reptilian texture. This dormant giant shelters the Volkran'dur living in the capital, providing a haven for their fervent beliefs and zealous pursuits within the flames of Zhor'dur.  


    The heart of Realm’s society pulsates with the Way of the Blazing Hand. A unique blend of religion, marcry, and tradition, this doctrine enkindles their bodies and weapons with the very flames of their volcanic homeland, the Blazing Hand. This mystic fire transforms them into relentless forces on the battlefield, their bodies engulfed in flames that strike terror into the hearts of their enemies. The Realm perceive Aesor as destined for a fiery rebirth, a conviction that drives their zealous belief in the path of burning reclamation.   Their existence within the dark depths of caverns, far removed from surface civilizations, fosters unity and mutual reliance among the Volkran'dur. These small underground communities flourish under the auspices of the Blazing Hand's guidance, and the silent whispers of the Uk-Hunr, cement this collective unity.   The Realm of Zhor wages a subterranean war, known as the Buried Wars, against the Gruul Empire, the Clans of Vahalzaarand the Lethassan Commonwealth . Their aim is to conquer the labyrinthine network known as the Unborn Path, a colossal tunnel system linking Aesor's subterranean regions. Within this perilous maze, factions clash amidst monstrous adversaries, all vying for supremacy. The Realm aspire to control the Unborn Path, using it as a conduit to unleash the fury of the Blazing Hand upon those who shun their fiery faith.  


    The Volkrans, emerged as the fourth race to grace the world of Aesor. According to historical accounts, in the Year 170 of the First Age during the Dawn of Creation, the fertile highlands of Vahalzaar were lush with forests and verdant beauty. This period witnessed the rise of the Volkran race, a creation often attributed to the Óhin. Forged with the Elemental Host of Fire from the Aeos Parure, the Volkran's origins were intrinsically tied to the land of Vahalzaar, eventually giving birth to the Vahalzaar Badlands.   However, like the inception of most races, the precise details of their creation remain shrouded in mystery, and scholarly debates continue to question the extent of the Óhin's involvement.     It is told that an unknown "benefactor" swayed the young Volkran tribes after only 16 years of peaceful coexistence to wage a war against the Alarians. The pretext was a claim that the Alarians would inevitably attempt to seize Morgus Cay, an island teeming with valuable resources. This manipulation led to the ill-fated War of the Dead Cay (Year 167 - 489), a conflict that would scar both the Alarian and the Volkran people for generations.   Yet, the War of the Dead Cay was not their sole brush with conflict. The Struggle for the Sea (Year 195 - 489) erupted in the Year 195 of the First Age, engulfing Aesor in a global conflagration. For more than three centuries, the Volkran people, now united as the Clans of Vahalzaar were embroiled in ceaseless warfare against not only the Alarians but also various other factions on Aesor.   After enduring over 300 years of relentless conflict, the Clans of Vahalzaar like the other races and nations, eventually withdrew from the war-weary stage. It marked a turning point, a transition into a period of reconstruction and recovery leaving the scars of the Wars of the Old-World behind themselves.   However another three centuries later, the Volkran society grappled with internal divisions and weakened unity. The Clans of Vahalzaar found themselves embroiled in continual disagreements, tribes isolated, and the nation's strength waned. A pervasive sense of disillusionment gripped the populace, compounding the nation's troubles.   Then came the cataclysmic event that reshaped the course of history — the Sundering (Year 820). Vahalzaar, already in a state of disarray, bore the brunt of this calamity. The very fabric of their existence was torn apart, leading to a new era marked by upheaval and uncertainty.  

The Sundering

  The weakened state of the Clans of Vahalzaar, a result of the lingering scars from the Wars of the Old-World and a fractured economy, served as the backdrop to a momentous fracture within the Volkran people. Amidst this turmoil, the more primal and tribal factions of the Clans rallied under the banner of a controversial figure, Aradosh. With persuasive words, Aradosh cast doubt upon the Clan leadership, claiming that the fire in their hearts had dwindled, and that a chance for true freedom awaited them through the power of their Elemental Host. Aradosh advocated harnessing the recently discovered Essence of Fire residing within the formidable Zhor Mountain, an active volcano.   Venturing into the heart of the Zhor Mountain, Aradosh and his fervent followers believed they uncovered a divine force, the fiery essence that later fueled their traditions, religion and mutations the Way of the Blazing Hand. With attunement to this newfound power, they awakened the slumbering mountain, triggering a cataclysmic eruption. Yet, debates raged among the Volkran populace regarding the true source of the Zhor Mountain's awakening, as some questioned whether a non-living entity could awaken on its own. Whispers of forgotten truths linked to the Sundering circulated, lost within the depths of history.   The awakened Zhor Mountain, ablaze and wrathful, laid waste to Vahalzaar, leaving ashes in its fiery wake. This catastrophic event led to divergent interpretations among the Volkran. One perspective asserted that the Volkran people were punished due to their lack of faith in the fire of Zhor, spawning the Volkran'dur subrace. On the opposite end of the spectrum, those who disavowed any connection to the Zhor Mountain believed those who stirred up the Essence of Fire and wielded the power of the Blazing Hand bore responsibility for the catastrophe, becoming the Volkran'dir.   As both sides pointed fingers, the Volkran population became further divided, ultimately splitting into the Volkran'dur as the Realm of Zhor and Volkran'dir remaining as the Clans of Vahalzaar.   Following the scorching devastation, the Zhor Mountain descended into eternal slumber, and the Volkran'dur claimed the marcritically (magically) animated Blazing Hand as their throne. Meanwhile, the Clans utilized the Volkraft to rebuild their homes, distancing themselves from the Zhor Mountain's tragic legacy. Thus, the Volkran saga continued, marked by division, tragedy, and the indomitable spirit that has defined their race throughout Aesor's history.  


  • Rahm’ar
  • Desash
  • Little Jozar
  • Mirig
  • Dharaghurg
  • Horgok
  • Anog’dur
  • Bnnazzar’s Guard
  • Wergerog
  • Dur’regog
  • Gnyrikdrug
  • Zrot
  • Inzigar
  • Dohrantrug
  • Argagox
  • Brognarok
  • Zhor’dur
  • Nur’drogk
  • Ur’revesrug
  • Wraadror
  • Kur’dragz
  • Wrasg’drog
  • Crug

Unborn Path

  • Goer Grog
  • Ruhud
  • Radhataar
  • Iklizhuk
  • Thumushg
  • Bazhaakrun Grog
  • Girogok
  • Rokgar
  • Mereg
  • Ahnarag Gorg
  • Meggar
  • Brahneddur
  • Radarun Mines
  • Trihduur
  • Gavarsh
  • Zaak
  • Druhug
  • Crug
  • Wrogir Gorg
  • Kazaan
  • Darnagur Gorg
  • Hratur
  • Zherid
  • Ogush
  • Ogush Gorg

Minor Factions



  • The House of the Dragon in Flames (The Abbey of the Óhin)
  • The Way of the Blazing Hand

General Information

Capital - Zhor'dur   Homeland - Land of Fire (Northern Vahalzaar Badlands)   Citizen Population - approx. 430.000   Religion(s) - Way of the Blazing Hand, House of the Dragon in Flames   Leader(s) - Uk-Hunr, Ul-Rutmrer   Ruler Type - Warrior Chieftain, Shaman Chieftain   Government Type - Duarchy   Founded - Year 820  

Rivalries & Alliances

  Positive Relations - None
Neutral Relations - Magistrate of Aztheon, Lethassan Commonwealth
Negative Relations - Gruul Empire, Clans of Vahalzaar, Kingdom of Alar, Council of Ephyr


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