Perished Roots Rebellion

The rebellion, spanning from the end of 1270 to 1271 was orchestrated by a well-funded and formidable Alarian rebel group known as the Banners of the Perished Roots. It is widely believed that this group is lead by elite ex-Sworn Knights of the Chaplet Ring, loyalists who believed that the Revered Orders (with the exception of the Chaplet Ring) were the true power-brokers of Alar, rendering the monarchy a mere puppet regime under their control. While rumors persist that the Chaplet Ring and wealthy royalists from the West funded the Perished Roots, these claims remain unverified, as those who support the rebellion are virtually untouchable by the Revered Orders.   The Perished Roots aimed to restore the days of Alar's monarchy, seeking a return to the leadership of a single, strong sovereign who would govern the nation.  

The Beginning

  In a meticulously planned ambush, the Banners of the Perished Roots with the helping manpower of a few thousand Nordgalian warriors, launched their assault in a bid to capture Trigate and eliminate the Revered Orders, exploiting the element of surprise. Their campaign began in the west, particularly from the region loyal to the crown near the Silver Lake.   The rebels embarked on an audacious plan, utilizing Swanton's boats to navigate the Silver Lake, they started with the capture of Lyabeth Haven then sailed up the Libra River. By the first light of morning, they had already reached Trigate’s vicinity.   However, despite their strategic brilliance and stealthy approach, the Perished Roots faced an unexpected challenge: the Windbreak garrison of the Libra Dam, led by Lord Enforcer, Garret Redrun. This well-trained and disciplined unit, which had stopped at the dam for the night on their way to Carran, would prove to be a formidable obstacle.   Garret Redrun and his men, upon witnessing the approach of thousands of rebel forces, recognized the grave threat to Trigate and the kingdom's integrity. Redrun ordered his troops to fortify the dam and prepare for a siege, delivering a rousing speech to instill resolve in his soldiers.   As the Perished Roots attacked, expecting no resistance, Garret Redrun and his men fought with incredible valor. Their stand at the dam compromised the rebels' element of surprise, as Garret's best rider hastened to alert Trigate of the impending assault.   Though the battle at the dam raged for three hours, the soldiers holding the dam were eventually overwhelmed, killed or captured. Garret and his officers were tortured to death without mercy, their flayed bodies displayed on the dam's walls as a gruesome warning to any who might oppose the Banners of the Perished Roots.   While Garret's death could not be prevented, it did serve a vital purpose. The rider dispatched from the dam reached Trigate, alerting Trigate’s high command to the imminent threat. This warning allowed the Windbreak Pact, to prepare and mobilize against the Perished Roots.  

Battle of the Morning Light & the Aftermath

  Just a few miles North of Trigate, on the shore of the Libra River, the Perished Roots were preparing for the siege of the capital, off-loading their equipment. The Windbreak Pact ambushed the rebels, in the midst of their preparation in a bloody skirmish later only known as the Battle of the Morning Light, won by the Windbreak Pact.   The Perished Roots, no longer enjoying the element of surprise and faced with a formidable and organized force, began their retreat. The Windbreak Pact relentlessly pursued them, and by becoming the victor in the Battle of the Morning Light, the beginning of the end for the rebellion was already fated.   Following their retreat, the Perished Roots sought refuge in Lyabeth Haven, fortifying the village. However, faced with the relentless advances of the Windbreak Pact, even though they held out for several months, they could not withstand the siege. The rebels' advantage had dissipated, and the organized forces of the Windbreak Pact proved too formidable. In a long, brutal and bloody siege, Lyabeth Haven was retaken but proved to be a costly one.   After the protracted siege resulting in heavy losses on both sides, the Perished Roots were driven out of Lyabeth Haven. The remnants of the rebellion fled to Swanton, where they disbanded their armies. Much to the Windbreak Pact's unfortune, they managed to evade capture, departing the town by horses and concealing themselves within merchant caravans heading mostly to Culholand.  

A Persisting Threat

  Despite their defeat, the Perished Roots remained undeterred. The Windbreak Pact recognized that they had missed their opportunity to apprehend all members of the rebel group and their Nordgalian supporters. This realization left the Windbreak Pact acutely aware that the Perished Roots continued to lurk in the shadows, biding their time for another opportunity to strike. The rebellion may have been quelled, but the Perished Roots remained a lingering and unpredictable threat to the Revered Orders' dominion.

General Information

Date - Year 1270 – 1271 of the Second Age A.A.   Cause - The Alarian monarchy's weakness   Outcome - Won by the Revered Orders

Allegiances & Sides

    Alarian Civil War   Banners of the Perished Roots (Rebels) VS Windbreak Pact (Revered Orders)


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