The Cycle of Life & Death - Body & Soul

Civilised mortals have always had a strong curiosity about what happens after death and the true nature of the end of their existence. Instead of avoiding the truth, it is important to look beyond the lies of religion, the mercy of gods, Scions or whatever Mystic horrors or deities are lurking outside the protective barrier of Aesor. I am here to present the exact truth, but I must warn you to approach it with caution. The truth is often more painful than any religious sacrifice, and those who possess the most knowledge tend to lead miserable lives. For the average Aesorian mortal, it is often better to steer clear of the truth. However, that it is not the path of an Aesar.

The Soul

      Having a soul entitles you to exist and be a part of the reality of Myst. You are created in order to become a tool of creation, which has been a never-ending cycle since the beginning of time with the Idolons, continuing even with today's mortals. The ingredients or material of this soul are the same as the material of the Myst, which is composed of Radiance and Shadow. Every individual born with a soul, excluding Scions who are entirely made of either Radiance or Shadow, has an equal distribution of 50% Radiance and 50% Shadow elements.   Similar to Vals, Haeis, and the Scions, these elements possess specific purposes, emotions, and mindsets (since the legacy of Vals and Haeis represents the conflict between Order and Chaos). The soul functions in a manner that closely mirrors our existing understanding - the timeless struggle between Kyro and Arizen (Radiance and Shadow, Order vs Chaos). Upon birth, a baby's soul is in a perfectly balanced state, equally composed of both elements.   However, as the child grows and develops consciousness, the balance gradually tilts towards one side or the other, primarily influenced by the circumstances they encounter in life. This is the mechanism through which individuals become either good or bad. The main focus is whether Radiance or Shadow is dominant, but no mortal’s soul can ever be completely composed of either element. Like the Myst, a soul is comprised of both elements, even if one is only at 1%, it must still be included.   This means that no person can be entirely good or evil, as there is always that 1% that can influence their path, just as the other element can, depending on the individual's life. Mortals cannot control the Radiance or Shadow within them, but some may have the ability to artificially alter the balance of their soul through the possession of the Marcritic Anchor of Aysus.   In theory, one can imagine it as the battle between Kyro and Arizen. However, it is crucial to understand that mortals are not part of Kyro and Arizen's legacy. Instead, they are a separate line of descendants of Kalzamaath and his own children. This is the reason why the alterations in the Myst (with Scions of Radiance or Shadow currently being the winners) or the battle of Kyro and Arizen do not impact the souls of mortals (unlike with the Dragons).  

The Concept of Death

  Everything that exists in reality will eventually become part of the nothingness of the Archavast. Once the mortal body reaches its limits as a tool for creation, it will perish. However, the soul continues to exist in the Archavast as it is utilized to create the Annons even after death, thus necessitating its existence in the form of an afterlife.   Mordium, the Annon of the Dead, is where the souls that have departed reality end up. In this state, a soul can no longer change or adapt to its previous life, as it no longer has the ability to experience life. Therefore, if someone died with evil intentions, they cannot undergo a transformation to become good in death. After finding themselves in Mordium, countless souls succumb to hopelessness as they become aware of the Archavast gradually consuming them, ultimately erasing their very existence.   That is why, a significant number of these souls meet their demise before the Archavast can fully consume them, driven by their desperate search for an escape. Sadly, as soon as they come into contact with the Blind Dimension (the empty void in between the Annons), they are swallowed up and gone forever. There are only a few rumors about individuals who managed to find and hop on an Annonic Pathway, successfully made the journey, and were guided to an Annon that protected their souls from the Archavast.   Regarding why the Archavast does not consume materials from other Annons, its primary source of material is the Mordium. It sustains itself by feeding on the dead, assimilating their memories, feelings, and so forth. Hence why, it disregards the other Annons as they should not possess its source of sustenance, which is the result of the materials it has consumed. The concept of mortal or any given afterlife’s existence probable on Annons other than Mordium, is simply unknown to the Archavast’s mechanism.   Therefore, the souls strive to connect with other Annons in an effort to rescue them from the Archavast However, accomplishing this task is much more challenging than it may sound. Additionally, there exists a slight possibility of evading the Mordium by embracing extreme wickedness (Shadow of Vals) or complete goodness (Radiance of Haeis). This choice can lead to the Archavast mistakenly identifying the soul as a Scion and sending it to either Valsium or Haeisia.   While the Archavast still nourishes itself on the Scions, it refrains from completely destroying their souls since Scions lack mortality. As a result, there is nothing for nothingness to gain from their complete annihilation, as Scions do not possess mortal bodies but rather a mere manifestation of their souls, comprising memories, emotions, and dreams, and most importantly: their purpose.  

The Concept of Physical Body

  The mortal body operates similarly to the soul in several ways. It is a part of Myst's reality, just as the soul represents one's legitimate right to exist. The body serves as a tool for preserving and continuing creation, allowing individuals to build, create, preserve, and reproduce.   However, unlike the soul, which is composed of Radiance and Shadow, the mortal body is created from mortal substance, specifically from the alleged living materials Kalzamaath used to form them, with their origins still covered in mystery.   Additionally, the body is sustained by the Nh'áhrean, the essence of balance within the five elements (on Aesor), which supports functions such as the immune system and blood circulation. Lastly, a singular elemental essence (one of the Five Elements), known as the Elemental Aspect, blesses mortals, enhancing their abilities and aligning them with an elemental source.   For instance, the Nepheli Aspect is Water, the Volkran Aspect is Fire, and so on. It should be noted that Alarians are weird an exceptions to this, as they were created without a true Elemental Aspect, leaving many questions about their origins and ties to Kalzamaath and the Dragons’ intelligent design.  

The Connection between Body, Marcry & Soul

  The Marcritic Attunement, which occurs when someone is born or given Marcry powers, exists due to the origins of the Body and the Soul, (known as the Alt) being made of the materials that can connect a mortal to a Marcritic Anchor, turning the person into a Marcry Vessel. More commonly known as a Born Ancestor.   The Soul consists of both Radiance and Shadow, with both deriving their power (and existence) from the Marcritic Anchor known as Aysus. In turn, Aysus draws its power from Eion, the First Anchor. This is why on Aesor, the combination of these two Marcritic Anchors (Aysus and Eion) is referred to as Soul Marcry.   The Body contains either the balance or the individual Aspects of the Elements of the Five Elemens (or both). This explains why people can form a harmonious connection with Aeos (the Marcritic Anchor of the Five Elements), as Aeos is present within their bodies.   Lastly, the Shattered Light can be found in both the Body and the Soul. When a person is born, they are born exposed to the Shattered Light and are constantly surrounded by its flowing energies. It is almost impossible for someone to not be connected to it since birth. That is why most people on Aesor have a minimum of 1% Marcry within them, with the Shattered Light acting as their Marcritic Anchor.   Akin to mortal souls, the Myst operates in a similar manner. When the Myst detects the birth of a new being in its reality, it forms a soul from Radiance and Shadow to inhabit the Body (a tool of creation) and legitimize its existence in reality (with the Soul).   However, the balance between Radiance and Shadow within these souls can only be achieved if the Myst possesses the necessary materials. It is important to note that while Radiance remains within the Myst, Shadow is gradually growing due to the consumption of unbirthed stars by the Scions of Shadow. If this continues, there may come a day when there is no more Radiance available, resulting in souls consisting solely of Shadow. A day Kalzamaath and all serving the purpose of Radiance fear.

General Information

Associated Annon - Mordium, the Annon of the Dead   Source - The Archavast   Purpose - The feeding of the Archavast and eternal repurposing   Alignment - Neutral.


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