The Orbweaver

The Orbweaver, possibly residing in the Mirror of the Veiled Gap (otherwise identified as Hearcelin’s remains), is a mystical being of probable Nexian origins. According to the few sources regarding her activities, this arachnid-like entity weaves the lost fates of mortals discarded by the Archavast into the Nexus. Acting as a god-like trash collector, she works with these lost fates to create new entities and anomalies or items that bear resemblance to the original, yet are completely unique.  

The Mysteries of the Orbweaver

  We mortals possess a very scarce knowledge of the origins of the Orbweaver. Even our current understanding of the Orbweaver is based on Quazar's own accounts (the merchant of the renowned ghost bazaar) and some historical records of peasants observing a peculiar spider running amongst their crops.   This little to no knowledge of her actual origins and background is all based on speculation and personal research made to uncover the secrets of this strange goddess. For one, we can be absolutely certain that the Orbweaver has no place to be within the Aesorian Pantheon, thus, academics agree in unison that her only logical place to be categorized into, would be the Annonic Pantheon. Now, the problem with that is that the Annonic gods (as well as any other outside entity) should have no means to:
1. Travel through the Archavast and make it in one piece.
2. Set foot, or have any sort of effect on Aesor and the lives of mortals whatsoever. Especially since Aesor is protected by the Shattered Light.
  Now, according to Quazar’s stories, the Orbweaver is capable of performing both with relative ease. It is truly frightening to talk about this, knowing that there is an unknown godly being out there that can just simply walk in or out of Aesor and have the choice to do anything with us mortals. What does this prove really? Is this a sign of the Óhin’s weakness, or the Shattered Light's? Alternatively, it may be the case that the Orbweaver is beyond the scope of our current understanding on the limits of marcritic power, even more so than the Dragon-god and considerably more so than the Scions of Vals, still trying to break through the Shattered Light to this day.   There are many academics who simply refuse to accept the possibility of existence of such a powerful entity, claiming that the Myst should never have the rules or more like rulessness to become the place of birth of such an anomaly. That was where the Nexian theory came in, if the Orbweaver is neither Annonic, and neither Aesorian, then maybe her true origins stem from the Nexus itself. However, there is no proof of this theory and neither could we logically explain the possible birth of such an entity within the Nexus, because as far as we know, the Nexus can provide no tools for life within reality and neither within its nothingness.   As we speak, most academics agree that what is certain is that something is up with the Orbweaver’s birth and story. Her existence does not fit into any known universal laws created by the Myst, or by the Archavast's rules, built on ingestion and repurposing. To us, the Orbweaver appears as a spider being, but who knows what’s her real identity and form, if she has any at all. The mystery is completely beyond us.   To this day, Aesor is not necessarily bothered by not understanding her origins, there are thousands and millions of Annonic gods that we will probably never get to know or meet. The problem with the Orbweaver is that she could become a threat to Aesor on any given day, knowing that she can enter or leave as she desires. We do not know what it is that motivates her and certainly do not understand what she is capable of. Maybe she is being helped by someone from the inside and is not even as powerful as we think? Possibly by the Abbey… or Kalzamaathhimself? No one knows.    

Aesor in Webs

  As we stated previously, there are a few unofficial records of people spotting the Orbweaver and many of those are hundreds of years old. This again, proves that the Orbweaver has been present on Aesor for a very long time now and will probably continue to appear from time to time in the future as well. What is on Aesor that she so desperately wants? Why is she appearing before mortals and most importantly, what is the meaning of Quazar's Bazaar? So many questions yet to be answered.   Apart from the random spottings by civilians, the Orbweaver established two other cases or activites through which she contacts mortals. The least direct one, is Quazar’s Bazaar itself, the travelling ghost market that sells items that are neither Aesorian and neither Annonic, just like the Orbweaver herself.   Even though the extremely talkative Quazar usually refers only to himself when questioned about the Bazaar’s purpose and origins, the exiled god of Tarasto does have a few moments when he breaks character and reveals information about the one who is presumably behind all of his activities, the Orbweaver. We cannot assert the exact role of the Orbweaver, however, according to what information we have gained already, it’s become safe to assume that Quazar is but the personality and trader aspect of the Bazaar, everything else is the Orbweaver’s doing.   As for the last and the most direct of the three usual experiences regarding the anomaly of the Orbweaver, is through dreams. Hundreds have claimed that they have seen the Orbweaver invade their dreams, usually asking them weird questions that they barely remember. They generally see a faint picture of her terrifying being, accompanied by her echoing voice talking to them.   This anomaly has been given validity due to the fact that all approved witnesses and “victims” described her appearance and the dream sequence exactly the same. Following this trail, it should be evident that the Orbweaver cannot only influence mortals and Aesor, but also the Annons of the Archavast. If she is able to pass into Luna, the Annon of Dreams, and tap into the minds of Aesorians, then it is clear that it is not just Aesor and the Myst’s Annon that she can venture in, but most likely all of the Annons.   Apart from describing her the same, there was one other thing that all of the victims agreed to have heard and seen. A mystery they remember and call as the Oacl. Most of the victims’ memories were cloudy but they all remembered an Orb-like object, pulsing in purple and blue webs while being offered to them by the Orbweaver. Strangely none of them remember interacting with the Oacl Orbs and have no further knowledge of what they were or what the Orbweaver wanted to do with them.   As far as theories go, there must be thousands of them by now, however, one of the most meaningful of the bunch is the connection between the appearance of absolutely random and weird items all over Aesor and the Orbweaver’s activities. For a few hundred years now, the people of Aesor have started finding otherworldly objects in all sorts of locations, scattered around the world, by first glance, most of these don’t have anything in common. You might ask what does this have to do with the Orbweaver? Well, these objects and items bare extremely close resemblance to the items sold in Quazar’s Bazaar, both in their otherworldly aura, existence, marcritic capabilities.   So even if this theory is really nothing but a presumption, isn’t it strange that the items sold by Quazar (who is clearly in connection with the Orbweaver mystery) have so much in common with the objects of this centuries old folk legend? Most academics agree on the undeniable connection between the two, so as far as the theory is not disproven by evidence of the contrary, it will remain in the books.  

The Abbey-Óhin-Truth Triangle

  Most academics obviously tried to turn towards the Abbey in hopes of gaining some clarity regarding some questions. For example, the involvement of the Óhin or the Abbey itself. Posing as unusually honest, the Abbey actually provided the public with “all that they know and understand”. More accurately put, their side of the story or “their investigation” of the matter.   The Abbey claims that they have been aware of the Orbweaver for centuries and that over the course of decades of investigation, they have gained a comprehensive understanding of the Orbweaver’s motivations and general purpose.   The Abbey’s narrative says that the Orbweaver is possibly the secret child of the Óhin and the Óhiness and that her work is done to help Aesor, the Óhin, and all mortals living here. She names mortals as Mother’s Lambs and wishes to create a connection between Hearcelin’s divinity and mortal life with repurposing the lost, otherwise discarded fates of mortals within the Nexus. The Abbey describes her personality to be very skittish, shy and generally acts and even speaks like a “scared little girl during a thunderstorm”. According to Balrose Demisaga himself, the Orbweaver lives in the Mirror of the Veiled Gap and is actively working for the betterment of Aesor.   That was their story and explanation, however, as customary to Abbey narratives, going into the details and answering further questions (like, how is this even possible, or what is she doing with the lost fates?) is no longer considered their business, leaving everyone hanging with an extremely surface level knowledge. Today, academics tend to give credit to the Abbey narrative mainly and only because there is literally nothing else to research or attempt to base knowledge on apart from theories. The Abbey claims that the source of all this information is from the very dreams of Kalzamaath and the Fateseekers, who read the dreams of the Óhin every day and night.   Thus, whatever the truth is, most academics believe that even if what the Abbey states is true, they definitely don’t reveal everything they know or not know. Remember, the Abbey always believes that it is better for mortals not to know, whereas we believe that in knowledge is our only strength.   We may never uncover the truth behind the Orbweaver’s true intentions and actual story, however we will continue to try by all means whether it be the confrontation of the Abbey or the search for more victims of the dream invasions. We can never be close enough, but being far is always better than pure ignorance.

General Information

Title(s) - The Nexian Godess, The Black-sheep, The Dreamweaver, Oaclia   Pantheon - Annonic Pantheon (unknown)   Gender - Feminine   Current Condition - Unknown   Activity - Mortal interactions and fateweaving   Purpose - Unknown (Debated)   Alignment - Haeis-virtues (Debated)


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