The Worlds of Hearcelin

Hearcelin, also known as the Mirror of the Veiled Gap or commonly referred to as the Mother of Aesor or the Óhiness, is the deceased phantom of a mysterious Scionic entity. Similar to Kalzamaath, rumours say that she was once a Scion of Haeis, who turned into something different at the moment of her birth. Her motionless soul and the ethereal remnants of her body orbit around Aesor, just beyond the Shattered Light, apparently assisting Kalzamaath in impeding the Scions of Vals from infiltrating Aesor.   However, Hearcelin's phantom not only aids in protecting Aesor but also possesses a strange attribute. It serves as the gateway, known as the Mirror of the Veiled Gap, to a mysterious and distant void beyond the Nexus (the farthest known point of the Archavast's universe). This void possibly contains unknown worlds, mysterious, divine or demonic places that have yet to be comprehended, existing outside the vast emptiness of Archavast and the Annons.  

Hearcelin’s Story

  According to Balrose Demisaga, the Lord Taleteller, as written in the Tome of the Kingdom, Hearcelin's story is one of hope, protecting the good cause, and fulfilling designated purposes. When Kalzamaath was born, the Scion of the Five Elements swiftly recognized his purpose and assessed the situation he was in - surrounded by enemies while possessing immense powers of the Myst. Kalzamaath understood that he couldn't accomplish everything alone, so he turned his attention to a radiant star nearby, which seemed to be on the verge of hatching.   Kalzamaath's final action before sealing off Aesor with the Shattered Light involved luring a star closer to Aesor and breaking it, infusing the hatching Hearcelin with the Shattered Light and fragments of the Five Elements. Upon her birth, Hearcelin immediately understood her purpose: to rescue Aesor and aid her partner, Kalzamaath, who summoned her. The Óhin essentially transformed her into a shield, amplifying the power of the Shattered Light in protecting Aesor from the Scions of Vals.   Hearcelin met a gruesome death, and as per rumors, she continues to endure suffering each day. While her body was annihilated, her soul will forever circle Aesor, serving as her only mission in both life and after death.   According to the Tome’s stories, Hearcelin was considered the brightest star of their generation and was born as a crystalline-radiant Scion, pure and completely untained by chaos. Her current dark or shadowy appearance is a result of enduring extensive corruption and shadow from the Scions of Vals, who attempted to overpower her and the Shattered Light, never achieving their goal.   Hearcelin made this sacrifice for Aesor, for the mortals, the dragons, for Kalzamaath, and for all life. Her soul was so untainted that it was too pure for this world, which is why she was the perfect fit for such a role. Since then, her story has been told throughout Aesor and she has become known as the Mother of Aesor, the Óhiness, the one who saves the mortals from Vals' corruption in a never-ending dance with Kalzamaath, called the Dance of the Óhin & the Óhiness. Referring to their interactions, how Hearcelin orbits around Aesor, with both protecting each other, Hearcelin safeguarding Kalzamaath with her own essence while the Óhin assists her with the Shattered Light.    

Debates & Skepticism

  According to independent academics, the story of Hearcelin, based on the tale of the Paragons and Balrose's narrative, is a peculiar one and is believed to be complete Abbey propaganda, despite being embraced by most of the average folk. The Lord Taleteller enjoyes recounting the story of how, during the Awakening, Kalzamaath realized that he would be unable to protect Aesor single-handedly. So, he summoned his partner, the pure soul Hearcelin, and essentially saved Aesor together.   The Tome of the Kingdom speaks a narrative that is objectively teaching people about a gruesome love story, hence why scholars maintain their skepticism towards the story and still have numerous unanswered questions. One such question is if Kalzamaath actually helped hatch a nearby star to have a companion and then willingly sacrificed her to save himself and Aesor. This narrative portrays the Óhin as a cruel figure according to the scholars, since in the story, Kalzamaath knowingly sacrifices the immortal life of a Scion, fully aware of the suffering she will endure throughout an eternity after her birth.   These are not even the most vital questions among many others. The primary question revolves around the actual connection between Hearcelin and the Veiled Gap. Many scholars speculate that instead of Kalzamaath, another deity or godly being (possibly Scionic) orchestrated these events. The uniqueness of Hearcelin, her role as a protective phantom of Aesor, as well as her role as the Mirror of the Veiled Gap, remains a mystery. It is particularly unclear how she became linked to a distant world or universe beyond the barely understood boundaries of the seemingly infinite Nexus, extending way beyond the Archavast’s vast nothingness.   The brightest of minds of Aesor solely believe that Hearcelin’s story is just a fairytale, but if all the stories the Abbey tells about Hearcelin is false, then what is really the truth? And why would the Abbey lie about the story of such an iconic character in their stories?  

The Worlds of Hearcelin

  The Aesorian academics propose a theory that suggests the truth hidden behind fairytales is being concealed by the Abbey. This truth goes beyond the origins of Hearcelin and delves into her purpose or existence. According to the academics, Hearcelin and the shining stars or Annons within her phantom being are genuine, and there may even be hundreds or thousands of celestial bodies or worlds within her being not percieved by the naked eye.   The Abbey has never provided a definitive explanation regarding the Veiled Gap or the theories proposed by academics, and it is unlikely that they ever will. Even now, independent researchers are making their utmost efforts to find answers and uncover the truth. One approach they take is by continuously improving and enlarging spyglasses every year, in order to peer into the orbiting phantom dragon and observe the worlds, Annons, or stars that exist mysteriously within its ethereal "body".

General Information

Title(s) - The Óhiness, The Mother of Aesor, The Mirror of the Veiled Gap, The Great Mother   Pantheon - Aesorian (Mortal Pantheon)   Gender - Feminine   Current Condition - Dead but alive in essence (Debated)   Purpose - Unknown. Debated to be the path to the Veiled Gap.   Alignment - Haeis-virtues, Radiant in alignment (Good) (Debated)


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