Vahalzaar Badlands

The Vahalzaar Badlands stand as an unforgiving expanse within Aesor. This arid and desolate wasteland challenges even the hardiest of creatures with its extreme conditions, while serving as the homelands of the formidable Volkran race. Governed by the Clans of Vahalzaar, this region is defined by its rugged terrain, hostile climate, and richness in resource. The Vahalzaar Badlands offer an environment that only the most tenacious creatures can endure. Feral bats, ash cougars, and buzzards are among the hardy inhabitants of these arid wastes. These creatures have evolved to navigate the harsh conditions.   Survival in the Vahalzaar Badlands demands an intimate understanding of its dangers and surroundings. The terrain's treacherous ashstorms can obscure landmarks, making it essential to possess a comprehensive map. To navigate this land successfully, travelers are advised to move during the night, resting during the day to shield themselves from the harsh elements: the abrasive ash, the relentless winds, and the ever-looming threat of fire.  


  Long before its designation as the "badlands," Vahalzaar was a picturesque expanse, characterized by fertile yet volcano ridden, mountainous highlands adorned with verdant forests and lush green fields. The land nurtured a harmonious coexistence between nature and civilization and the Elemental Aspect of Fire, a realm where life flourished in abundance.   The cataclysmic event known as the Sundering disrupted this idyllic harmony. The earth trembled, and the Zhor Mountain, once dormant, awakened in a fit of fiery rage. The mountain's wrath knew no bounds, and its fury scorched the once-prosperous land. The skies turned turbulent, engulfed in flames and choking ash. The Sundering marked the end of an era and the emergence of an unforgiving landscape.   The aftermath of the Sundering painted a grim picture. Vahalzaar, now lay in ruins, its splendor obliterated by the unrelenting blaze of Zhor Mountain's eruption. The flames devoured the forests, the fields turned to cinder, and the rivers ran black with sorrow. The conflagration transformed Vahalzaar's lush expanse into a desolate wasteland, its skies veiled in perpetual smog, its soil scorched and barren.   Vahalzaar Badlands bears the scars of its history etched into its very terrain. The land's topography reflects the monumental upheaval that birthed it. As time marches on, the legacy of the Sundering persists, echoing through the generations that inhabit Vahalzaar.

General Information

Aliases - Badlands, Deadlands, The Desolate   Type - Continent & Underground Realms   Aeos Presence - Fire   Size - approx. 750 miles horizontally   Regional Population - approx. 650.000   Races - Volkran'dir 74%, Alarian 15%, Volkran'dur 5%, Gruul 3%, Other 3%   Ruling Faction - Clans of Vahalzaar


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