Vahalzaar Badlands: Uluthrum

Located on the northern-west bank of the Vahalzaar Badlands, Uluthrum stands as an idol to follow in the means of innovation and craftsmanship. This modest town played an instrumental role in birthing a technological marvel that would redefine maritime travel across Aesor: the Steamship.   It was the ingenious minds of Uluthrum's skilled krafters, who deciphered the code of constructing a vessel that seamlessly embraced the Volkran’dir way of life. With an unwavering commitment to their craft, these krafters engineered a ship tailored to the unique needs and aspirations of their people, effectively extending their influence beyond the vast seas that surround their land.   While Uluthrum stands as the birthplace of the Steamship, the bulk of production has shifted to other bustling centers such as Kraftyard and Torqhold. These cities have taken on the responsibility of replicating the proven success of this innovative creation, ensuring that the fleet of Steamships continues to expand and serve the Clans of Vahalzaar.   Uluthrum, however, maintains its pivotal role in the evolution of the Steamship. Focusing on the spirit of innovation that gave rise to this technological wonder, Uluthrum’s krafters remain dedicated to the pursuit of new frontiers. Rather than merely replicating the existing blueprint, they concentrate their efforts on crafting novel designs and pushing the boundaries of possibility for their revered Steamships.   As the birthplace of the Steamship, Uluthrum has indelibly woven its legacy into the fabric of the Clans’ history. Its streets echo with the spirit of ingenuity, and its artisans continue to inspire the nation with their unrelenting dedication to progress and innovation.

General Information

Aliases - Steamtown   Type - Town   Region - Vahalzaar Badlands   Size - Close to City size approx. 101 km2   Population - approx. 11.000   Races - Volkran'dir 78%, Alarian 10%, Nepheli 9%, Other 3%   Ruling Faction - Clans of Vahalzaar


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