The Myst, Idolons & Scions

Celestial / Cosmic


The Myst

  Timeless B.A. (before the Awakening of Kalzamath and before the creation of Aesor)   The Myst, which was an empty space of nothingness, exists in a place that did not yet exist. The Myst is the place and entity that formed life, reality, and the concept of time. According to the Paragons knowledge, it is a place that desired to become Reality, a timeless place that shaped itself in order to be formed. The sole purpose of the Myst was to create life, establish the foundations of existence and reality. In order to accomplish this, the Myst needed materials to fill its space and powers to manipulate those materials and the space.   Today, academics believe that there is no true material of the Myst, which theoretically implies that the Myst does not actually exist as a distinct entity. Since the only materials associated with the Myst were formed after its creation (Radiance and Shadow), it is impossible for anyone to determine its composition or true essence. Only an Idolon would possess such knowledge.   Scionic tales suggest that the Idolons were the sole powers and substances created by the Myst (the something in the somewhere). Once the Idolons came into being (the “gods” of the universe), the Myst bestowed upon them its most precious and only distinct essence, which became known as the Heart of the Myst. No one actually knows the origins of the Heart of the Myst, since no mortal or draconic mind could wrap their heads around such a complex concept, a thing of nothingness that breaks all academic rules, or universal structures. The concept of a world building essence, that came from the most mysterious entity of the universe, the Myst.   The Myst held a vision of life and its meaning, encompassing fire, water, air, earth, and lightning. While the Idolons filled the void created by the Myst, the presence of the Heart of the Myst was vital for the existence of future life and later mortal (and immortal) creatures.  

The Idolons

  Timeless B.A.   According to draconic lore, the Idolons existed for the same purpose as the Myst, which was to establish existence and lay the foundations of reality such as time, life and death, elements, light and darkness, evil and good, chaos and order. Their ultimate goal was to become the "gods" of the Myst. In total, there were three Idolons.   Haeis of Radiance symbolizes light, order, and law. It embodies the Myst’s Radiance and serves the purpose of creating in its unique way.  
  Vals of Shadow represents darkness, chaos and anarchy. The embodiment of shadow and purpose to create in its own way.  
  Third, the Nameless One serves as the judge and represents the balance between Vals and Haeis. Third possesses the Heart of the Myst and is destined to bring balance to the Myst.  
  The Idolons shared the same purpose but had differing perspectives on how existence should be attained. Vals and Haeis engaged in an ongoing conflict to determine who would possess the Heart of the Myst and dictate the laws of reality. The purpose of Third was to unite the warring Idolons and establish a cooperative foundation for life.   However, after an everlasting war between the two Idolons, Third finally decided to intervene. Third eradicated both Idolons, causing their remains to scatter and infuse the Myst with their essence (the Myst adopts a "Torus" shape due to the explosion's radius). Consequently, Shadow and Radiance emerged as the true components of the Myst, while the two Idolons ceased to exist.   After this phenomenon, Third left the Heart of the Myst and disappeared from existence, thereby leaving the power of creation (the five elements) to the Scions.   It is clear that no mortal or immortal being can provide proof for any of this history. Our knowledge is derived solely from the eavesdropped Songs of Scions, sung by both the Scions of Haeis and Scions of Vals, which reveal their past (deciphered through the Shattered Light by the Fateseekers). Additionally, much of our historical information comes from what Kalzamaath passed on to the Dragons through their dreams. These stories are believed to have been known by Kalzamaath, but how? Since Kalzamaath was born in Year 0, it could not have experienced any of the Scionic Wars or the historical conflicts the Idolons fought over.   There might be a connection between the Scions, with memories and past stories being shared among their souls. It is unclear how Kalzamaath came to know about any of this, which either raises suspicion about the Óhin or further complicates the story of the Idolons and the Scions.  

The Scions

  Billions of year B.A.   The Scions are the supposed descendants of the two deceased Idolons. Born from their pure remnants (from the evaporated Radiance and Shadow) they became the true manifestation of Haeis and Vals, their children if you like. When Third destroyed the Idolons, Vals cast a dark shadow over Haeis at the moment of their demise, causing Vals to become the dominant entity in the end of their conflict.   Consequently, the majority of the Myst transformed into Shadow, with only Stars remaining as tiny sources of Radiance that illuminate the vast darkness, thus accounting for the appearance of the universe.  
  The Scions of Vals were born from Shadow and the void that filled the Myst, while the Scions of Haeis were hatched from the Stars. Both species were the literal gods of the Myst and the first draconic species of the universe, the Scions are the first living and immortal beings. However, once they came to life, both sides, like those before them, began killing each other over the Heart of the Myst, which had been left by Third to them.   This repetition of history resulted in the Scions of Haeis and the Scions of Vals wanting to utilize the Heart in their own ways. Unable to reach an agreement, the cosmic war between Radiance and Shadow, known as the Scionic Wars, began.  
  History repeated itself as the Scions of Vals gradually gained superiority over the Scions of Haeis. Due to the dominance of Shadow in the Myst, the stars were unable to keep up with the production of more Scions.   In contrast, the Scions of Vals expelled some of their own kind from their void, causing them to born even faster, more furious and corrupted at their cores. However, the Scions of Radiance were unable to engage in such violent actions against their own kind. Which meant, that Shadow overtook Radiance, leaving the Scions of Haeis powerless to resist.  
  As hope began to leave the Scions of Haeis protecting the Heart of the Myst from the Scions of Vals, the Myst needed a hero to save itself from the toppled balance. A hero named Kyro, and later the hatched Scion of the Five Elements, Kalzamaath.   The story of the Scionic Wars is one of the few Mystic histories that can be verified as true through mortal means. Simply by looking up at the night sky, one can confirm this. The existence of nighttime is solely attributed to the Scions of Vals, and it is because of Kalzamaath’s brief breaks before channeling all his power and energy to protect Aesor even more, essentially resulting in daylight.   At night, the energies of the Shattered Light fade, and if someone is perceptive enough, they can see that the Scions of Vals are attempting to break through and dominate the world. During the nighttime, the faint glows in the night sky are the released energies from the damaged Shattered Light being continuously struck by Aesor’s most feared adversaries.   This proves the story of the Paragons and the Songs of the Scions about the Scionic Wars and Aesor's importance in the Myst. It also proves the fact that the Scions of Haeis did indeed lose the Scionic Wars. Apart from a few hundred or thousand hatching stars across the Myst, there is only darkness, with Aesor in the middle as the only hope for restoring balance.

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