
At the edge of a lake and mountain, Dolram is a sprawling fortress city of walls and industry. Dolrams history is long and storied, being at first a small fishing village for dwarves exiled from what would be Hastheim. When the Pale Elves took over the north, this community was suddenly pushed into mining - turning from the lake towards the mountain. When the empire collapsed and the Clan Wars began, Dolram reinforced itself - constructing the massives Walls of Helm, layered walls of stone with their own internal structure. Now, Dolram is both fishing city and mining industrial center - with various tunnels snaking through the surrounding mountains.    Dolram was the site of one of the most brutal sieges during the Winter War. Though it did not fall, Hastheims late response to the seige has put a sour taste in the mouth of many in the city.
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization