
Dwarves are a stout and hardy race, found primarily within the northern reaches of Aesteria in the Hastlands - though a few call Vanreth their home. Dwarves have long lives and are known to be stubborn. Their tendencies to mountain regions have made many of them quite tough. Dwarves are common, found throughout the 4 kingdoms and the Lordless Lands, often taking on work as smiths, mages, or miners.
  • Creature Type: Humanoid
  • Size: Medium (about 4–5 feet tall)
  • Speed: 30 feet
  • Darkvision. You have Darkvision with a range of 60 feet.
  • Dwarven Resilience. You have Resistance to Poison Damage. You also have Advantage on saving throws you make to avoid or end the Poisoned Condition on yourself.
  • Dwarven Toughness. Your Hit Point Maximum increases by 1, and it increases by 1 again whenever you gain a level.
  • Forge Wise. Your divine creator gave you an uncanny affinity for working with stone or metal. You gain Tool Proficiency* with two of the following options of your choice: Jeweler’s Tools, Mason’s Tools, Smith’s Tools, or Tinker’s Tools.
  • Stonecunning. As a Bonus Action, you gain Tremorsense with a range of 60 feet for 10 minutes. You must be on a stone surface or touching such a surface to use this Tremorsense. The stone can be natural or worked. You can use this Bonus Action a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a Long Rest.*

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Dwarves are shorter than the average human, and often hairier. Dwarven males grow long beards, while Dwarven females often see long head hair growth on average - however dwarven females have been known to be able to grow beards as well. Dwarves are often broad, with wide noses. Dwarven hair colour is often brown or black, but red and blonde appear in certain family lines. Dwarven eye colour is usually brown, however green and blue are known.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Dwarven Names Dwarven names are often filled with hard consenants, while their last names are a combination of two words similar to Vanreth. Dwarves love generational names, and a dwarf may share their name with half a dozen ancestors.


Dwarves are one the worlds oldest species, existing in the northern reaches of what is now the Hastlands for well before the Empire. Pre-Imperial Dwarven Culture is unknown, with most of it being lost during the Empire. What is known to have carried is a high reliance on family tradition. During the Imperial Age, Dwarves were forced into Elven servitude and pushed into mining. They would suffer for nearly 900 years under the Elves until the Dwarf Hast rose up and help tear the Pale Elves down. In Post-Imperial Aesteria, Dwarves were once categorised for their infighting and massive scale Clan Wars but have since fallen under leadership of the Sovereign, who is elected by the powerful clans. Recently, Dwarves took out their animosity on the Wood Elves of Ilmora during the Winter War, one they famously lost.
200 years
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities