Elf, High

There are truly two forms of High Elves. During the sacking of Esari and the splitting of the Elves, many Pale Elves still lived within human controlled territory in what would be Requiem and Vanreth. Though some fled to the forests to become Wood Elves, or west to what would be Ilmora, many more found peace and place among the civilisations of the south. These would be High Elves, Elves living among men in their cities and kingdoms. Then, in 440 the Wood Elves of Ilmora would see civil war as a large portion wished to abandon the Fey and return to the pantheon of the Launousse. This would see the Fey Court sending a plague onto the Launousse worshippers, and a large portion of them fleeing to Requiem. These would unoffocially be known as Seared High Elves, High Elves who fled Ilmora and now bear the scars of the plague.    
  • Creature Type: Humanoid
  • Size: Medium (about 5'5–6'5 feet tall)
  • Speed: 30 feet
  • Darkvision. You have Darkvision with a range of 60 feet.
  • High Elf Lineage. You know the Presdigitation cantrip. At the end of a long rest you can switch this cantrip with another one from the Wizard spell list. Starting at 3rd level you know the Detect Magic spell, and at 5th level you know the Misty Step spell. Once you cast the Spell with this trait, you can’t cast that Spell with it again until you finish a Long Rest; however, you can cast the Spell using any Spell Slots you have of the appropriate level. Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma is your spellcasting ability for the Spells you cast with this trait (choose the ability when you select the lineage).
  • Old Warriors. You have Advantage on saving throws you make to avoid or end the Frightened Condition on yourself.
  • City Dwelling. You have Proficiency in the Persuasion Skill.
  • Trance. You don’t need to sleep, and magic can’t put you to sleep. You can finish a Long

Basic Information

Biological Traits

High Elves are relatively tall. They're often seen in a variety of skin tones, but most tend towards paler tones with the exception of those from the searing who are often a little darker. High Elves have a large variety of hair colours, but they all fall into the standard human fair of browns, blondes, blacks, and reds. High Elves who fled Ilmora and were victims of the Searing have large patches of scarring, similar to burn scars, that cover portions of their body. They have taken to wearing full face masks in recent years.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

High Elf Names  have a large variety. Though, those from Ilmora and victims of the Searing will most likely have a  Wood Elf Name


High Elves are varied in their history. Both kinds originate from the sacking of Esari and the fall of the Empire. A large portion of Pale Elves were living in the lands that would become the southern human kingdoms. For the first few hundred years these Elves would live as outcasts on the fringes of society, in fear of vengeful or angry individuals who despised the Empire. But, as the war faded in the populations mind and its survivors died off, the Elves were slowly welcomed back into modern society. They would gain a place among the other races, working as others do, even able to hold places of power to an extent.    In 440, the Wood Elves of Ilmora would be split. A building desire to return to worship of the Old Gods caused worry in the Fey Court. When the Elves refused to drop their worship, the Fey Court and the Elves still loyal lashed out. This would end in a magical plague unleashed onto the worshippers of the Launousse, causing horrible blisters, painful fevers, scarring, and death. The Elves of the Launousse would flee, first into the Lordless Lands, and then into Requiem where they would be cured by the university. These would become High Elves as well, given residence in Requiem and even their own town.
350 years
Geographic Distribution